Religious Education

Brockworth Academy is a welcoming, caring community school. Our curriculum not only reflects the population which we serve but challenges pupils to see the wider world. We aim to prepare all of our young people for the next steps in their often complex lives.

A high quality Religious Education should include “3 different types of subject-specific knowledge that pupils learn in RE. Each of these is powerful and should not be confused with ‘mere facts’. The first is ‘substantive’ knowledge about various religious and non-religious traditions. The second type is ‘ways of knowing’, where pupils learn ‘how to know’ about religion and non-religion. The third type is ‘personal knowledge’, where pupils build an awareness of their own presuppositions and values about what they study. …. RE at both primary and secondary level includes knowing more of these ‘pillars of progression’. This prepares pupils to engage in a complex, multi-religious and multi-secular world.” DfE, 2021


At Brockworth Primary Academy, RE lessons aim to encourage independence through children being encouraged to 'have a go' on their own to reflect and think about their own beliefs and ways of living. Creativity is encouraged through the use of drama, art and music to explore beliefs and religions.  Children have regular opportunities to express their own opinions and take part in discussions thus allowing children to show bravery.  A Love of learning is encouraged through lessons that are active and expose children to a variety of artefacts to engage them in learning about different beliefs and religions. Engagement and enjoyment from all pupils is evident through our exploration and participation  in religious events throughout the year.  Resilience is encouraged when listening to opinions that may differ from their own and challenge them in their thinking.  Compassion is shown as children are encouraged to develop respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs

The three elements of teaching RE (Making sense of beliefs, making connections and understanding the impact) allows opportunities for children to explore, form opinions, challenge those opinions and re-form ideals and beliefs. 

For SEND learners this means


For an overview of what we teach in RE, please see below: 

RE Curriculum Overview Website