The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. (DfE 2013)
At the foundation of our English curriculum is the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. Our approach is underpinned by a relentless effort to ensure every child is able to read with fluency and confidence. For our approach to the teaching of phonics, please click here.
Our English Curriculum intent:
Here at Brockworth, we want every child to develop into lifelong readers, writers and communicators. We have developed an ambitious, creative and innovative ‘Book-Based’ English Curriculum to support and inspire all of our learners.
We follow the national curriculum and have tailored our school curriculum to meet the needs of all of our learners. A range of high-quality texts that include: poems, rhymes, and non-fiction texts that develop pupils’ vocabulary, language comprehension and love of reading, has been carefully chosen to enrich the teaching and learning in every year group and provide memorable and enriching experiences for our pupils.
Teachers teach daily English and Reading lessons.
Inviting classroom libraries
Accelerated Reader (AR) is used across all Key Stage 2 classes to track and monitor pupils' understanding of text that they have read independently or with an adult.
Read, Write Inc phonics and Read, Write Inc Get Writing underpins our approach in Early Years and Key Stage 1.
ARK English Mastery underpins our approach throughout Key Stage 2.
Pupils are progressively exposed to new vocabulary as they move through the school.
Reading is celebrated through weekly certificates.
Grammar is integrated within our school approach and is taught explicitly throughout Key Stage 2
For an overview of our book-based approach, please see our yearly overview below: