Art and Design
“A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design” DfE, 2013.
At Brockworth, art lessons aspire to develop a love of learning through exposure to a wide range of artists, cultures, art styles, skills development and media. Our curriculum is designed in a way which allows children to build knowledge and to explore, respond to and be influenced by artists from a range of cultural backgrounds and from a range of time periods, both historic and modern day, throughout their time at the academy. Through depth studies at the beginning of each new unit, children are immersed in the art styles of their focus artist and supported to respond to the work of those studied as they progress through a unit of work.
Children are encouraged to explore creativity and show independence, using their art to express their unique selves and explore ideas in a way that is personal to them. The units within our curriculum allow for a cyclical approach to skills progression and enable pupils to revisit all of the key elements in art: line, colour, texture, shape, space, form, pattern. Throughout their time in the academy, they experience repeated opportunities to develop their proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpting, printing, digital art and collage. It is the ambition that, by Y6, all pupils strive for mastery in the key elements and a range of media.
Pupils have the opportunity to challenge their understanding of compassion through developing a deeper understanding of what it means to be an artist and the different ways in which artists express thoughts and feelings in their work. Children are encouraged to view art with an evaluative and critical-thinking eye, frequently using high-level, artistic vocabulary to share their experiences of their own art and also the art of focus artists and their peers. Through focusing on learning from mistakes and forever developing skills, children show bravery and resilience in their artwork, with a strong emphasis in lessons that everyone is ‘an artist’.
The National Curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:
Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
Know about great artists, craft makers and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
For SEND learners this means:
Pre-teaching subject vocabulary to decrease the vocabulary gap and to give oracy for a purpose.
Adapted teaching materials where required to enable pupils to access the full curriculum.
Lesson series focus on the development of key elements of art: line, colour, tone, texture, form, shape, space and pattern. Through repetition of these skills each year, children’s artistic techniques should advance and improve as they become more experienced in the media available to them.
Lesson series follow a cycle: introduction to artist or art style, practising key elements of art, planning and creating final outcome, evaluating to inform future artwork.
Curriculum map is compiled of a range of projects which enable pupils to experience multiple opportunities in the full range of focal skills and media: drawing, painting, sculpting, printing, digital art and collage.
Teachers teach weekly art lessons.
Children in EYFS have work recorded in their learning journey books; children from Y1 - Y6 have sketchbooks which move with them through the school.
Final outcomes produced by children are individual and personal to them.
Art lessons are linked to other areas of learning where possible.
Children’s artwork is inspired by other creative works by identified focus artists.
Children have opportunities to work on individual and collaborative pieces of art.