Challenge 4: Save money.
Order a Family Party!


  • Gratitude & Celebration to the family

  • All previous skills:

    • Find opportunities, negotiate & deliver a job, earn & save

    • Use earnings to order meals

3: Hire Me! Earn money!

Same as Challenge 3 but instead of buying a meal for own.

Work more & spend for the entire family!

Activity (10 mins setup, 90+ mins child working independently, 10 mins discussion):

  1. Create a list of jobs. E.g. House chores (beyond the usual daily chores), singing Happy Birthday to grandparents, babysitting siblings, etc.

  2. Propose the idea to your child:

    • "Would you like to earn some money?"

    • "Here are a list of jobs, or you can propose something yourself."

  3. Allow child to negotiate. As the person hiring, you can negotiate back.

    • You want to ask for clarity.

    • We recommend using SMART Goals format: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

  4. Step back and allow your child to work!

    • Do this multiple times as more money needed for a bigger meal!

  5. Celebrate with using the money earned on the next meal order!

  6. Discussion Questions (during meal time):

    • How much amount of work does it take to earn a meal?

    • What other jobs you can do?

    • Do we end up spending less or more by spending money this way (sharing)? Do we enjoy less or more?

Tips for Parents:

  • If you have siblings, let them take turns to buy the family meals.

  • Each time, share thanks.

  • The big head-fake is cultivating a culture of giving & investing among family members :))