First Online Purchase!


Make your first purchase online, and with the understanding of what actually happened!

While we do not recommend fastfood, we recommend McDonald's because:

  • Most children know their menu, so the selection won't feel too overwhelming.

  • They show status of their orders, so you can understand what is going on. Also you can visit a McDonald to see what happens.

  • They have reliable turn-around, so you don't have to wait too long for "an experience"

Many food delivery services with features above, like Grab or FoodPanda.

Leveling Challenges

We wrote the challenges in the form of leveling challenges:

  • Each challenge is designed with learning a specific skill each time.

  • Each challenge builds on another

If you find the lower levels easy, feel free to skip to higher levels. If you find a particular level hard, feel free to repeat or do the lower levels again to build a strong learning foundation.

Have fun and good luck!

  1. Know the menu & price

2: Order Food & Track It!

3: Hire Me! Earn money!

4. Save money.
Order a Family Party!

5. Mastery. Repeat with more Products

6: Ouch. Refunds & Feedback (HARD!)