Stronger Families Series

The Stronger Families Series is designed to build knowledge and confidence in parents and carers at any stage of their parenting journey. Currently, all workshops are delivered online and are recorded, and posted on this page.  Please click on the links to watch or visit our YouTube Channel 

Please contact to request a topic for an online session.

Sign up below to New Webinars on Eventbrite

Sleep Scotland 

Supporting Good Sleep in Teens

Read Write Count

Making the most of the Gift bag

Skills Development Scotland look at future skills required for Primary Parents

Priority Families Aberdeen

Peer Pressure plays an important role in our young people’s development as they grow into adulthood. 

Introductory session to explore what self harm is and what you can do to support a young person 

Katrina from ACIS Youth shares some wise tips to support our children's health and wellbeing

Surviving as a parent as the your teen's brain develops 

Supporting Child & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Seminars for Parent & Carers

The internet’s a great place for children to learn, create, chat with friends and family, access information or support and explore fun apps, sites, and games. But exploring comes with risks, so it’s vital we know how to keep them safe online. That’s why we’d like to invite you to join our NSPCC workshop: ‘Keeping children safe online’. Our workshop will:

In this session we will look at Online Dating, Online Friendships, Pornography and Sharing Nudes.