Relationships and Bullying

Positive relationships are central to all aspects of the life and work of St Machar Academy.

During April - July 2018, young people, staff, and families worked together to redesign two policies that are integral to positive relationships across the school community:

    • Promoting Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy
    • Anti-Bullying Policy: Promoting Positive Relationships and Respect for Others

Both policies underpin the school’s ethos and day-to-day interactions between young people, staff, families, and partners. We make use of restorative practices when working to resolve relationship tensions and this may involve the support of external agencies such as Grampian Regional Equality Council (GREC) and SACRO.

Our policies are based national best-practice from The Scottish Government’s RespectMe.

SMA Promoting Positive Relationships & Behaviour Policy V2.0 (June 2019)

In August 2019 we launched our three key expectations.

All young people and adults agree, are encouraged, and learn to be:

    • Safe
    • Respectful
    • Responsible

The young people of St Machar Academy define bullying as:

    • hurting someone’s feelings because they are different. This may include: personality, race, how they talk, what they wear, skin colour, religious beliefs, sexuality, gender, or appearance;
    • hurting someone physically;
    • using technology to cyberbully. This may include: texting / sending a message you wouldn’t say to someone’s face, posting a picture or video of someone without their permission, or catfishing (pretending to be someone else online by creating a fake profile);
    • deliberately excluding someone from a group to make them feel left out;
    • spreading rumours.

Our young people tell us that certain types of behaviour become bullying when banter is taken too far. Bullying-type behaviour takes place when:

    • you carry on knowing the other person doesn’t like it;
    • you carry on after you’ve been asked to stop.

What do I do if I am concerned?

All young people and their families are encouraged to contact the relevant Principal Teacher of Guidance as soon as possible. Once we know of your concerns, we can agree positive steps forward and identify possible sources of support.

The appendices in our Anti-Bullying Policy provide advice and support for young people and families in terms of recognising, reporting, and resolving instances of bullying and cyberbullying. More detailed and specific information about cyberbullying can also be accessed via our 360Safe Policy.

SMA Anti Bullying Policy V2.0 (June 2019)

School-wide familiarity with this policy is encouraged by the use of our young person friendly version, which is displayed in every learning & teaching area:

YP Friendly AB Policy V.3.pdf

St Machar Academy celebrates a multi-cultural and diverse learning community. We take a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime and prejudice-based bullying (behaviour that is motivated by an individual's actual or perceived identity - the protected characteristics). Young people and their families and encouraged to challenge and report such behaviour so we can support, educate and safeguard all individuals.