2024 Shootout Rules

                                          i.    No common foul FT’s (Exceptions: If less than 20 seconds in first half any defensive foul results in 1 FT for 2 points (so clock doesn’t work against offense). ALSO...check stopped clock rules below for last minute and OT.

  ii.    If fouled in the act of shooting: One shot for 2 (or 3) points

                                        iii.    If fouled on a made basket- basket counts plus 1 point (do not shoot FT on made basket unless during stopped clock play)

9. Free Throws during stopped clock-{last minute/overtime(s)}

                                          i.    No more “2 for one” –must shoot all FT’s

                                        ii.    Both teams are automatically shoot 2 on all common fouls.