Video Gallery - Module 4

RSS is a way to easily keep up with all of your favorite websites and news sources. This video is about as cheesy as they come, but she does a great job simplifying the concept of RSS and how you can get started using it. (3:05)

Special note: Google Reader, the tool she demonstrates in the video, is slated to be terminated in July. The concept is the same for most other RSS readers, however. See a list of recommendations in the "Readings" section.

Getting Started with Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are small pieces of software you add to your web browser that allow your browser to have added functionality. This video explains what browser extensions are, shows you how to find and install them, and demos some popular extensions. (3:37)

Adding Search Keywords to Search from the URL Bar

This is one of my favorite tricks for being more efficient at working on the web. By adding search keywords for sites you search frequently, you can search them directly from your browser's address bar, without the need to visit the site itself. (2:11)

15 Best Keyboard Shortcuts

This video is pretty fast-paced, but it gives you an idea of some ways you can save time by using keyboard shortcuts to accomplish simple repetitive tasks instead of using your mouse and menus. The time you save may seem trivial, but trust me--after you start using one or two shortcuts, you'll find yourself trying to remember more and more. (2:57)