Discussion - Module 2

Now that you've spent some time with this week's materials, think about the following questions and respond to any or all of them by starting new topic or replying to a topic in one of the discussion spaces. (How do I participate?)

Most useful skill?

Which new trick or tool did you find to be most useful? How can you see yourself using it? How might it change your search tactics from now on?

Respond in Google Groups or Google+

What didn't we cover?

Did you learn about any special tricks or specialized search tools that we didn't cover in this module's resources? What are they, and how do you use them?

Respond in Google Groups or Google+

Search Challenge: University Seal Designer?

Dan Russell at Google (we've seen a lot of him) writes an incredible blog, SearchReSearch, in which he tests his readers with extremely difficult weekly search challenges. In the spirit of his search challenges, we've developed one for ZSRx that you should be able to solve using some of the tools and techniques we've learned in these first two modules. If you want to dive into a bit of WFU history while using some new skills, read on!