Digging Deeper - Module 3

Some long-form reading, other courses, and online tools that help you dig deeper into the content

One of a number of introductory online course modules for such things as using the web, email, and mobile devices.

"DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information. That is our privacy policy in a nutshell."

DuckDuckGo also claims that it doesn't track users or put them in filter bubbles.

"Do Not Track is a mechanism for protecting online privacy that specifically addresses the challenge of pervasive online web tracking, especially as employed by behavioral advertisers using increasingly sophisticated tracking technologies. Do Not Track is unique in that it combines both technology (a signal transmitted from a user) as well as a policy framework for how companies that receive the signal should respond."

Fix Tracking! How to Stop Getting Tracked in your Browser

Daniel Roth, wired.com | October 2009

"The process is automatic, random, and endless, a Stirling engine fueled by the world’s unceasing desire to know how to grow avocado trees from pits or how to throw an Atlanta Braves-themed birthday party. It is a database of human needs, and if you haven’t stumbled on a Demand video or article yet, you soon will."