Video Gallery - Module 1

Selected videos from around the web to teach you new skills and provoke new lines of thought.

Kyle provides some context for many of the videos we'll be using in these first two modules, which come from the wonderful Power Searching with Google courses by Dan Russell and the Search Education team at Google.

How Search Works

Matt Cutts, an engineer at Google, explains how search engines like Google find and rank results when you do a search. Understanding how this complex process works will help when you're thinking strategically about your searches. (3:15)

The Research Process

Dan Russell at Google encourages us to think strategically about our research. (4:11)

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Reading the Search Engine Results Page

Dan Russell again, this time explaining what you see on a results page and how to use it to your advantage when conducting a search. (7:22)

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Using Search to Check for Credibility

Dan Russell on how search ranking is different from credibility, how your search terms might bias your search results, and how to use some tricks to verify credibility. (8:00)

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Evaluating Web Sources

Evaluating Sources

This slide deck will walk you through the CRAAP test for verifying the quality of the information you find online.

How to Separate Fact from Fiction Online

Journalist Markham Nolan on how journalists are using the torrents of data available on the web to check facts and verify sometimes incredulous stories. (13:29)

Many of these videos come from the excellent Power Searching with Google courses from Dan Russell and the Search Education team at Google. If you want to develop your search skills beyond what we'll cover in this module and in Module 2, we highly recommend them.