Digging Deeper - Module 2

So the readings and videos weren't quite enough to satisfy your curiosity, eh? Here's a few more tools and some fun stuff to satisfy the search ninja in you.

More Tools to Explore

Microsoft Academic Search http://academic.research.microsoft.com

The scholarly search offering from Microsoft. Compare to Google Scholar.

WolframAlpha http://www.wolframalpha.com

A "computational knowledge engine" that uses data and mathematics to provide a truly interesting way to look at search

Directory of Open Access Journals http://doaj.org

"The aim of the Directory is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact."

(What is Open Access, you ask?)

PubMed Central http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc

"PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)."

Have a Little Fun

A Google A Day http://agoogleaday.com

A rather addictive way to build up your search skills in a timed online search game. (Requires a Google+ account.)

Search ReSearch Blog http://searchresearch1.blogspot.com

Google educator Dan Russell (we've seen a lot of him) writes this fantastic blog that features a weekly (seemingly impossible) search challenge. Careful: once you start a challenge, it's hard to stop.