Thesis Example + 1st Body Paragraph

Provide 3+ sentences that set up for the time frame of the prompt (Contextualization) and then write a thesis statement that is 1-2 sentences, fully responds to the prompt, and sets up solid/broad arguments that will allow for quality body paragraphs.

Evaluate the extent to which ideological, diplomatic, and military factors contributed to the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period 1775-1783.

The French and Indian War ended in 1763 and this also led to the end of salutary neglect. As the British began to limit colonial westward movement and levy a series of taxes resistance to the King and Parliament began to grow. These eventually turned into armed conflict with the shots fired at Lexington and Concord. The war for American independence was ultimately successful as the Continental Army used unconventional warfare tactics, enjoyed strong leadership, and was familiar with the terrain; the presence of a unifying goal and the popularity of new ideas on government also bolstered the Patriot cause. The ability to form alliances with other nations, and the support from those agreements were also paramount in securing a colonial victory.

As the Continental Army began to engage the much more organized and powerful British Army they quickly realized that they would not be able to follow the typical style of fighting. Some of the tactics used included the killing of British officers and using smaller units to ambush and then retreat. This frustrated the British and provided a morale boost for the Continental Army that ultimately helped them achieve victory. The lack of morale and growing unpopularity of the war in England also played major roles in the colonial victory. The British soldiers began to question why they were fighting to keep control over a group that was clearly committed to gaining independence. General George Washington provided great leadership and part of this included his willingness to use these new tactics. Washington’s other major strength was his ability to inspire his troops and rally morale. Over the course of the war, the soldiers also became more organized. This can be attributed to the training provided by Baron von Steuben, and the efforts of the Marquis de Lafayette. They helped Washington keep the Army up to the task of fighting the British. Washington certainly translated his experience from serving with the British during the French and Indian War into his strong leadership. His central role in leading the colonists to victory cemented his path to leadership of the young country at the Constitutional Convention and ultimately serving as the first President. Throughout the greater part of U.S. history strong military leaders often went on to serve as President. Another factor that allowed for a colonial victory was their prior knowledge of the terrain. Knowing the layout of geographical features allowed them to more effectively move troops and also contributed to the success of the unconventional warfare tactics. This familiarity with the lay of the land would provide a major advantage for the soldiers and contributed to their success.

This color = Contextualization

This color = Thesis

This color = Evidence and Support

This color = Analysis and Reasoning

This color = Complex Understanding