4th Grade

Students in fourth grade will begin to utilize their art learning in conjunction with their other studies. Students will relate their artwork to technology, language arts, science and math, as well as their personal interests. Students will be expected to utilize the Principles of Design and Elements of Art within their work, and explain their choices while making. Fourth grade students will receive a sketchbook that remains in art until they complete their fifth grade year. Sketchbooks will be used to relay art ideas and learning through-out the year. Students will be encouraged to actively engage in student choice with subject and media, and independence with studio materials and space.

Check out some examples below of past fourth grade art projects from Claypit Hill Artists!

Illuminated Letters

Value Pumpkins

Fauvist Inspired Landscapes

Complementary Colored Landscapes

Value Landscape Collages

Klimt Inspired Trees

Radial Origami

Positive/Negative Space Symmetry

Notan Square

Symmetrical Printmaking

Cricuit Printmaking

Contrasting Cityscapes

Clay Luminaries

Animal Adaptations Sculptures (Science Unit)

Official 2019 Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework
