How to Remove Art Stains - Some Helpful Links

Post date: Oct 3, 2016

Sometimes art can be messy! In art class students have the opportunity to wear a smock and are instructed on how to use materials appropriately however, most of the art room materials are new to students and accidents may happen. A few helpful tips to keeping your student's clothes clean are to remind your student to wear a smock, and to dress them in clothing that may be okay to get a little dirty. If a stain does occur here are some links that may be helpful:

A searchable database that has tips on how to remove all different types of stains from all different types of surfaces:

A guide on how to remove crayon stains from various surfaces:

A guide on how to remove paint stains from various surfaces (Please note we only use water-based paints in art class):

A guide on how to remove clay stains from various surfaces:

A list of various other types of stains with links to some cleaning solutions: