When do students get lockers? Do they need locks on the first day of school?

Students do not receive personal lockers, however they will be issued PE lockers sometime during the first few weeks of school.

What supplies do students need on the first day of school?

Typically students will only need paper and pencils. Teachers will provide lists of suggested supplies on the first day of class.

How do electives work?

Cabrillo offers the Elective Wheel or Band . As a 6th grader, if a student chooses the Wheel, s/he can expect to take computers, art, wood shop and speech; 7th graders who choose the wheel take computers, art, wood shop and life skills. 8th graders may take advanced sections of the aforementioned electives, Spanish 1, or choose to be a teacher or office assistant. Band, however, is a year-long commitment, and generally students begin taking band in 6th grade and often continue for their three years at Cabrillo.

I have a question about my students progress in school. Who do I contact first?

The first point of contact should always be the instructor, as they assign grades and work with your child on a daily basis. The counselor may also collaborate with parent and teacher to devise a plan to support the success of the student.

I need to contact my child, can I call their cell phone?

No. Cell phone use is prohibited during school hours, so the best way to get a message to a student is to call the office and your child will be sent a message in class.

Cabrillo is a big school! Is my child safe? How do they make friends?

Cabrillo is a very safe place, with a kind and caring staff that works diligently to make it the best environment for learning. Making friends is a huge concern . Most students arrive with friends from elementary school, whereas some are new to Ventura. The counselors pull these students new to the district together during the first week of school to answer questions, do fun activities and get to know each other. Clubs are another great way for students to get involved and make new friends at Cabrillo. If your student is having a hard time making friends, please feel free to contact his/her counselor. We have many ways we can help facilitate the making of friendships.

My child wants to change his/her schedule. How may s/he do that?

Firstly, there must be a valid reason for a schedule change. Changes make it difficult on teachers and staff. Secondly, a student's ability to work through an issue with a teacher and learn to thrive in any classroom is an important skill that s/he will need throughout their academic career. To request a schedule change, the student should first fill out a pink half-sheet "Schedule Change Request" form, located in the Counseling Corner, and turn it in to their counselor. Mrs. Vaquero will then look at the request and determine if there is a valid reason to make a change.

Are there sports teams at Cabrillo?

Cabrillo has a cross country team, a girls' volleyball team, and boys' and girls' basketball teams. Posts about tryouts for these teams are in the school bulletin which can be found on the Cabrillo website. Also, Cabrillo has intramural sports during lunch and is open to all students. These are co-ed teams that are formed by students who play against each other at lunchtime. It's a fun way for students to get involved at Cabrillo and make new friends.

If have a general concern, or my child has a general concern, who should we contact first?

For general concerns, the school counselor is a great place to start. Students simply put their name on an appointment slip found in the Counselor's Corner of the office and leave it on the clip outside their counselor's door. Their counselor will call the student in as soon as possible. Parents can call or email their child's counselor, or make an appointment . It is often easiest to email, as the counselors are away from their desks much of the day.

How can I ensure a smooth transition from elementary school to middle school?

One of the biggest challenges for incoming 6th graders is learning how to manage time and stay organized. Managing different assignments from different teachers due on different days can be overwhelming! That is why using the student planner and writing down all assignments is key. Communicating with teachers and asking for help is also very important to student success.

How can parents stay involved?

To stay aware of what is happening, parents are highly encouraged to join the PTO, reach out to the principal for volunteer opportunities, check the Cabrillo website and utilize Parent Connect often, as well as speak openly with their child about their school day.

Do students receive grades? What are the grading periods? How much homework should we anticipate having?

Students receive progress reports , quarterly grades, and finally, semester grades. We suggest that parents access Parent Connect at least once a week to stay up to date with their child's progress. If parents do not already have a pin and password, they may get an application in the front office. Once granted permission, parents may log on to Parent Connect at www.venturausd.org

What if I have a question or concern about GATE? Who do I contact?

For questions and concerns regarding GATE, please contact the district office at 641-5000

Lunch? How does it work?

Students have a 40 minute lunch period and may bring their own lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria. Checks and payments can be made to the cafeteria so that their is an account that gets charged every time your child swipes his/her ID.

How do I know if my child has homework?

Students are issued planners at the beginning of the school year, and the vast majority of teachers require that they write down assignments in their planner. Further, some teachers have their own websites and/or post homework under Class News on Parent and Student Connect.

How much homework can we expect every evening?

  • 1 hour in the 6th grade
  • 1 ½ hours in the 7th grade
  • 2 hours in the 8th grade

What clubs are offered at Cabrillo?

New clubs are formed every year and the start of clubs are announced in the school bulletin. Currently, all clubs are posted in the Counseling Corner.