ART = Form + Theme + Context

Post date: Aug 25, 2015 6:16:39 PM

When you're analyzing an artwork, it's important to consider formal qualities, theme, and context  in order to fully understand the work:

Form: How the work 'is' (FORMAL QUALITIES)

Think about art elements, design principles, compositional structure, 2-D & 3-D qualities, the materials it's made from: 

Video: how to do a visual analysis:

Web site about formal qualities (J. Paul Getty Museum):

Theme: What was the work made for? What is it about? (FUNCTION AND PURPOSE)    

There can be different, competing, and contradictory interpretations of the same artwork. An artwork is not necessarily about what the artist wanted it to be about. 

– Terry Barrett, Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary

What was it made for? Here are some different FUNCTIONS that art can have.....:

- Expressive Function: expresses the artist's feelings

- Descriptive Function: records the likeness of a place/person/other subject

- Conceptual Function: the idea behind the artwork is more important than what it looks like

- Practical Function: has a practical use (eg clothing, vessels, furniture, a building...)

- Religious Function: tells a religious story or is an object of devotion

- Historical Narrative Function: tells the story of an event in history

- Commemorative Function: made to honour someone (eg the statue of a famous person)

- Political Function: serves a political purpose (eg propaganda)

- Symbolic Function: symbolizes certain beliefs or ideas without representing them

- Decorative Function: used to decorate the body, a room, a building etc (eg jewellery or wallpaper)

- Ritual Function: used as part of a ritual or ceremony, or has magical powers

- Shock Function: intended to shock or upset the viewer.

Any more??

(This list taken from

Context: How the work connects with its time and place (CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE)

10-minute discussion about the importance of understanding the CONTEXT of artworks

20 minute video : ' Discovering Art - The Search for Meaning '.

Step-by-Step Guide to Analyzing an Artwork: Student Art Guide

Slideshare presentations to accompany the video 'Discovering Art':

1. Explanation of Form

2. Explanation of Theme

3. Explanation of Context

ART = Forma + Temática + Contexto (en Español)

Cuando analiza una obra de arte, es importante tener en cuenta todos estos aspectos para comprender completamente la obra:

Forma: ¿Cómo "es" el trabajo?

Piense en los elementos del arte, los principios de diseño, la composición, las cualidades 2-D y 3-D, los materiales de los que está hecho:

Tema: Lo que el trabajo es "sobre"

Contexto: Desde una perspectiva más amplia - como 'conecta' el trabajo con el tiempo 

20-minut0 video (en ingles) : ' Discovering Art - The Search for Meaning '.

Guía paso a paso para analizar una obra de arte: Student Art Guide

Presentaciones de diapositivas para acompañar el video 'Descubriendo Arte':

1. Explicación de la forma

2. Explicación de la tema

3. Explicación de la contexto