Writing a Reflection

Writing about your own art is always a challenging task; it is much easier to write about another artist with objectivity. However, once your artwork is complete is it important to include a reflection page about the project in your art journal. It's also good practice for the 700-word 'Curatorial Rationale' that you will need to write about the final exhibition.  

Make sure you cover both the good things AND the bad:

Asegúrese de cubrir tanto las cosas buenas Y las malas:

Students should be encouraged to reflect upon their developing work with particular focus on how their intended meaning and purpose are communicated. 

Students need to identify opportunities for further development in the work being undertaken. 

Students should critique their successes and failures in relation to their intentions.

Students should consider how their developing work might impact on an audience if presented for public display.


(Page 24 New Visual Arts Guide 2016)