In a Rut?

Post date: Sep 01, 2015 9:34:41 PM

If you feel like you're always using the same media and techniques (for example, a lot of your artworks are created using paints and/or pencil) then use this list to help you experiment with something different. Let me know if I've missed anything!!


Use a range of drawing materials, such as:

Use specific techniques, including:


Use a range of the following:

paints – such as tempera, acrylic, watercolour, dye, oil, acrylic with oil glaze; 

painting tools – such as brushes, palette knife, card, sponges, rollers; 

painting surfaces – such as paper, card, wallpaper, canvas, hardboard, 3D forms, collage; 

styles – such as impressionist, pointillism, cubist; 

genres – such as still-life, portraiture, landscape, abstract; 

techniques – such as blending, under-painting, dry-brush work, over-painting, detailing, limited palette.


Use a range of the following:


Use a range of papers, including: 

Use other materials, such as: 

Use different techniques, including: 

Fabric and Fiber

Weaving options:

Stitchery options:

Fabric treatment options:

Modelling, Casting and Carving

Dough and clay options:

Carving materials:

Papier maché options:



Materials options: 

Lens Based, Electronic and Screen Based

Time-based and sequential art: stop motion, animation, graphic novel, storyboard

Lens media: still (photography), moving (video), montage

Digital/Screen based: vector graphics, software generated, GIFs.

Design and Make