Hope Border Institute
Link to YouTube Channel
Descriptions with links to videos
Network building and grassroots level engagement are great gifts to the church and society from the Hope Border Institute. One of the ways they try to address issues of social injustice is by telling the stories of those most affected by these issues intertwined with other information about the issue as well as where to go to become further involved with the issue. These videos produced by the Hope Border Institute put a human face and tell stories over facts and figures about various issues. For the sake of brevity, they are listed by category below:
Asylum seekers and the Discretion to Deny report:
The Rosa Mani video, whose testimony is outlined in the Discretion to Deny report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WAE3yu2XVM&t=2s
Mariana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEAAmuCnFo8&t=1s
Nellie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdsI0usPVsM .
Posada Sin Fronteras:
A prayer event where popular religions meets social activism. This spin on the usual popular religious practice of Mary and Joseph seeking lodging in Bethlehem uses the ever evolving interreligious practice of the Catholic faith to pray, raise awareness, and show intimate solidarity not only with Mary and Joseph as migrants but with all of the migrants in the community of faith community. For this particular Posada, Bishops Mark Seitz and Oscar Cantu were those who asked for housing, taking the role of Mary and Joseph - of being without power and looking for hospitality and lodging. https://www.facebook.com/hopeborderinstitute/videos/1790067941255884/
Hugs not Walls:
In response to then GOP Presidential candidate nominee, now President Trump’s determination to build a wall along the entire Mexico/USA border, Hugs Not Walls was born as a way to rethink the significance of the border and the hopeful possibilities of a new vision.
https://www.facebook.com/hopeborderinstitute/videos/1731981463731199/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IckSaYyr-A.[1]
Faces of Trade:
[1] May also be found on social media with hashtags #abrazosnomuros #hugsnotwalls and #hugsnothate