Latest Posts

  1. Huff Post article, "Toni Morrison: Fear Of Losing White Privilege Led To Trump’s Election" #MSJCracism #UDsites

    1. "The Civil Rights History Project includes interviews with over 50 women who came from a wide range of backgrounds and were involved in the movement in a myriad of ways." #ChangeTakesCommunities #UDsites"

    2. A Brief History of Muxe, Mexico's Third Gender" #UDsites #LatinaTheology

    3. This video includes the controversial PlayMobil Martin Luther toy figurine. It is worth the almost 5 minutes!! #UDsites

    4. Judge: Georgians shielded from deportation may pay in-state tuition #MSJCmigrations #UDsites Hope Border Institute University of Dayton Human Rights #UDHRCassociate

    5. New York Times article, "Too Bad You’re Latin"

    6. Listen to Latin America’s Greatest Authors Read Their Works in This Online Treasure Trove

    7. Mexican-American Human Rights Activist Emma Tenayuca Honored at Holiday Posada

    8. For Latinas, Sanctuary Spaces are not Enough!

    9. Las Posadas on Radio Maria

    10. Sign open letter to President-elect and Congress #MSJC #SantuarySpaces #Trump


    12. CES Dissertation Fellowship: Open to undocumented doctoral students

    13. Here is a great website on the Sanctuary Movement and Sanctuary Institutions. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download "Sanctuary Tactics and Strategies" and a toolkit. #LatinaTheology #BorderTheology #UDsites #UDHRCassociate #MSJCmigrations #MarianistFamily

    14. Here is a great resource to both help people know their rights with their current immigrant status as well as for citizens to know the different issues involved with the various migration statuses in the USA. #MSJCmigrations #UDsites Hope Border Institute #LatinaTheology #BorderTheology

    15. Crux article, "Texas parish builds a home for massive 30-foot Guadalupe statue," bordertheology #UDsites #Guadalupe

    16. Youtube video, La Guadalupana interpretada por Juan Gabriel, #LatinaTheology #BorderTheology #UDsites #Guadalupe

    17. Huff Post article, "An Open Letter To Young Brown Girls Everywhere." #LatinaTheology #UDsites

    18. Mujeres Talk article, "A Quince for My Boys: Celebrating 15 Latina Style" #UDsites

    19. Huffington Post Article, "Hundreds Of Immigrant Moms And Kids Freed From Detention After Texas Court Ruling" #nodiapersindetention #MSJCmigrations #UDsites #BorderTheology #LatinaTheology #grownupChristmaswish

    20. "5 Women Who Are Rights Defenders Fighting for Justice in Latin America" #UDsites #LatinasEnAmerica

    21. Noticias El Paso News Report, "Previenen a inmigrantes para evitar deportaciones" #UDsites

    22. The Santa Fe New Mexican Article,"SFCC declared a ‘sanctuary campus’ for immigrants" #UDsites

    23. The Daily Beast Article, "Texas Jail Won’t Give Immigrant Kids Crayons" #MSJCmigrations #NoDiapersinDetention #UDsites #crayongate


    25. Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Incident Report form #ReportHate #UDsites #UDHRCassociate

    26. Is the Trans Pacific Partnership the best we can do? "The Faces of Trade" Youtube video #UDsites #womenandlabor #bordertheology

    27. This Diego Luna-Directed Jarritos Commercial About the Immigrant Hustle Might Make You Cry. #msjcmigrations #UDsites

    28. John Legend's Redemption Song (Campaign for Criminal Justice System Reform) #MSJCracism #Detention #MassIncarceration #UDsites #FreeAmerica

    29. Big news for the Catholic Church of the Midwestern USA! #UDsites " Pope to create 13 new cardinals, including 3 Americans"

    30. #msjcmigrations #refugees #UDsites "Let Me In - We Are Here" Youtube Video

    31. #LatinaTheology #UDsites Downs Debuts Anti-Trump Song On The US-Mexico Border

    32. #BorderTheology en lo cotidiano. #MSJCmigrations #UDHRCassociateHope Border Institute University of Dayton Human Rights #UDsites "Rosa Mani" Youtube Video:

    33. Lo cotidiano of #NAFTA and possible implications of #TPP. #BorderTheology #LatinaTheology University of Dayton Human Rights #UDHRCassociate #UDsites "The Faces of Trade" Youtube video: ://

    34. #HastaEncontrarlos University of Dayton Human Rights #UDsites By Source, Fair use

    35. "Statement on Texas’ Threat to Step Away from Helping Refugees in Need." Border Institute #MSJCmigrations #UDHRCassociate #UDsites

    36. September 21st, International Peace Day. Here is information on building sustainable peace. #MSJC #UDsites #UDHRCassociate

    37. "Non-Minister Sunset Provision." An important law that allows religious brothers, sisters and lay workers to become permanent residents will expire Sept. 30 -- unless Congress acts! #MSJCmigrations #HRCassociate #UDsites

    38. "The Oldest Written Book in the Americas is a Mayan Guide to Astronomy" #UDsites #bordertheology

    39. "22 Migrant Women Held in Pennsylvania Start a Hunger Strike to Protest Detention" MSJCmigrations #UDsites #UDHRCassociate

    40. Racism Has No Place in our Presidential Campaign (MSJC)

    41. Scholarships for undocumented students with September and October deadlines

    42. Detention of migrant families immoral, costly (El Paso Times) #UDsites #UDHRCassociate #MSJCmigrations

    43. The community is leading the charge against the TPP because the majority of border people will be negatively affected by it .”For those who live on the Mexico-USA border and those who care about this region, be informed and know what is coming. Learn more about TPP and its effects on the border and beyond. Jobs are at stake! The economy of the border region is at stake!

    44. #MSJCmigrations #MSJCracism #UDsites #UDHRCassociate #BorderTheology. Inciting fear and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in the classroom. #UDsites #MSJCracism #MSJCmigrations

    45. #BorderTheology #UDsites #UDHRCassociate Hope Border Statement

    46. Resources for social media and teaching. #UDsites

    47. #MSJCmigrations #LatinaTheology #BorderTheology #UDsites Faith Leaders Hold Immigration Rally (San Antonio News report)

    48. #UDsites #Latinatheology Supreme Court Chips Away at Puerto Rican Sovereignty

    49. Get informed about the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Frontera Facts. #MSJCmigrations #MSJCracism #UDsites #UDHRCassociate

    50. #DAPA "My Undocumented Mom, America's Housekeeper" #LatinaTheology #BorderTheology #Latina

    51. #DACA #DAPA Beyond strangers, these 4 million people are our community members, our family members, our church members, our colleagues, our community members, our friends! (a) Hope Border Institute and Border Bishops' statement ‪#‎UDHumanRightsCenter‬ ‪#‎UDHRCassociate‬ ‪#‎UDsites‬ ‪#‎MSJCmigrations

    52. SCOTUS: ‪#‎DACA‬ ‪#‎DAPA‬ Executive Order deadlock. 4 -4 decision means case to return to lower court. Defeat for our families. 4 million people affected immediately! So sad! So angry! ‪#‎LatinaTheology‬ ‪#‎BorderTheology‬‪#‎MSJCmigrations‬ (a) SCOTUS Blog (b) Church Leader Reaction

    53. SCOTUS: Upholds affirmative action at University of Texas!‪ Supreme Court Verdict #‎affirmativeaction‬ ‪#‎MSJCrace‬ ‪#‎UDsites‬

  2. University of Dayton Human Rights Center Statement in Commemoration of the Victims of Orlando #PulseOrlando #LatinaTheology