On Labor and Migrations: Latina Theological Commentary Two on Papa Francisco’s Amoris Laetitia
Papa Francisco:
“we can appreciate the suffering created by unemployment and the lack of steady work, as reflected in the Book of Ruth, Jesus’ own parable of the labourers forced to stand idly in the town square (Mt 20:1-16), and his personal experience of meeting people suffering from poverty and hunger. Sadly, these realities are present in many countries today, where the lack of employment opportunities takes its toll on the serenity of family life.” #AmorisLaetitia (25)
“forced migration of families, resulting from situations of war, persecution, poverty and injustice, and marked by the vicissitudes of a journey that often puts lives at risk, traumatizes people and destabilizes families .” #AmorisLaetitia (46)
Synod of Bishops:
“Various families, who are living in conditions of economic poverty, due to unemployment, job insecurity or lack of social services and health care, not infrequently, because of their inability to receive credit, become the victims of usury and are sometimes forced to flee their homes and even their children. In this regard, the suggestion was made to create appropriate economic structures of support for these families or structures capable of promoting familial and social solidarity.” #AmorisLaetitia
Latina Theological Brief Commentary:
This theme is a now frequent for Francisco, but he is not the only speaking about these conditions. Daisy Flores Gamez spoke about good labor conditions to keep families together without needing to migrate during her speech given to the World of Labor during #PapaenCDJ #Pope2Border. Her speech begins at minute 12 on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXe.... I promise to translate this to English one day soon!
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