Program Overview

Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

Below, please find the program at a glance for our 5 year accredited program in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Alberta. The yearly rotation schedule is composed of 13 blocks, one block = 4 weeks.

PGY-1 Year:

The Surgical Foundations year consists of the following rotations:

PGY-2 Year:

PGY-3  through PGY 5 Year

Our academic program is structured around site based rotations at the University of Alberta Hospital, the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Children's Stollery Hospital and the Grey Nuns Community Hospital.

During this time the academic program will cover all areas of Otolaryngology including Head and Neck Surgery, General Otology, Rhinology, Facial Plastics, and General Otolaryngology.  Residents also have elective time to pursue their interests in universities in both Canada and the United States.


Other Academic Activities

Our academic curriculum includes our morning sessions which is a collaboration of residents and staff throughout the academic year. We also have weekly seminars in various related topics, weekly divisional rounds and monthly journal clubs.


Residents participate in research projects beginning in their PGY-1 year and are generally expected to complete one project per year. The projects are coordinated by the Research Director. The intention is to have these papers presented at the Provincial and National Societies' Annual meetings and the Resident Research Days with the Department of Surgery and the Division of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery.

The residency program has a strong culture and a distinguished track record of research and evidence-based education and practices. Our faculty and residents work in partnerships with a number of research institutes based in Edmonton/Alberta.