Interview Process & Schedule

Orthopedic Surgery

Individual interview times will be sent out via email; the following is a brief summary of the interview process

Interview date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Interview Process: 

Our interview process will be conducted virtually using a Zoom platform.  Each candidate will meet with two interview teams and each team is comprised of one to two faculty and one resident from the Residency Program Committee.  Each interview will be approximately 20 minutes in length.

In addition to the interviews, we invite candidates to join in on some virtual breakout rooms;  these will be hosted by the Program Director, some of our current residents and administrative staff.   In each room, you will be able to learn a bit more information about our program and what makes our program so unique.

Residency positions:

Our program is accepting three (3) Canadian Medical Graduates and one (1) International Medical Graduate (AIMG) in the 2022-23 CaRMS cycle.

International Medical Graduates interested in applying will need to have submitted documentation through the Alberta International Medical Graduate (AIMG) portal to confirm eligibility, before being considered. Please refer to the site for more information regarding this process. 

Questions? Contact Rebecca Royan at