Patrol Competition

Management Decisions

Discuss strategy and tactics with entire patrol before competition begins. Maximum points come from doing as many stations as possible before time runs out. Avoid long waits in line. Perhaps best to run to shore to do those isolated stations first. On parade ground, pick as next station the one with the shortest wait (including the time it takes to get to station). If staff is disorganized or unready, go to a different station rather than wait around (return later).

Patrol Chant

If in doubt as to acceptability of lyrics, check with person doing the judging. Don't wait until last minute to compose and/or practice.

Fire Starting

Huge pile of dry straw-like grass is most effective. Often takes a long time so save for last station (especially if conditions are difficult).

Tire Over Pole

Don't throw; one scout stands on shoulders of tallest/largest scout and lifts tire over pole. Likewise stand on shoulders to get tire from ground over top of pole (for following competitors) unless have 2-3 guys strong enough to throw tire up and off of pole.


All pull in unison on same count so it's tug-tug-tug rather than steady pull.

Board Walking

All stand on left board (with both feet) and then move unweighted right board as far forward as possible. Move to right board and repeat by lifting unweighted left board forward.

Ultimate Frisbee

Spread out; fill lines of attack; look for weak-side pass and fast break; don't let other team's offensive player get behind our defenders.


Same strategy as Ultimate Frisbee.

Thread Scout Through and Over Ropes

This is a logic puzzle. Think before acting. Biggest/heaviest person goes in largest opening, after several smaller people go though holes near to ground. Lightest person(s) can go into hole(s) near the top, supported by others on both sides. Communication is essential.

Splash Water into Bucket Held by Patrol Leader

Plan on attending this before hand. Entire patrol wears water shoes or slip-on/off type shoes to save time. Hold pitcher/container just above water, PL use body to act as "backboard" for water with patrol in semicircle around the pitcher. Because of distance, this can be inefficient

Throw Life Ring

Coil rope back and forth rather than in loops. One scout throws while second scout holds rope so it easily slides off his arm.

Nature Identification

One scout who really knows stuff. But you get more points if everyone can contribute.

First Aid

Like Nature Identification.

Memory Game

Short time to look at items on blanket which are then covered up. Scouts call out which items they are remembering (maybe two per scout) and then are responsible for recalling those.

Logs and Lashing

Don't lash logs together. Pick up logs, rope, and scout and then run. Can use two logs like a stretcher (with a front and back person) with carried scout on top of stretcher poles holding third log and rope. Can also have third log crosswise over stretcher logs and under scout's armpits.