平成30年中川秋のガイドツアー Nakagawa Autumn Guide Tour 2018


日時 11月23日(祭) 午前10時30分~12時30分

11月24日(土) 午前10時30分~12時30分

ツアーコース 北山杉元祖の大杉→木造倉庫群→北山杉枝打ち展示林→丸太磨き実演・体験


屋 のコースを地元ガイドがご案内します

お茶菓子と小さなお土産付き 雨天実施

集合場所 中川自治会館 JRバス中川小学校前

ツアー代金 お一人3000円 小学生1000円 定員15名

交通 JRバスご利用の方は京都駅正面発9時30分のバスにご乗車ください


お申し込み先 電話090-3824-9027(石岡)




Nakagawa Autumn Guide Tour 2018

Date of the event

November 23rd ( national holiday ) From 10:30 to 12:30

November 24th ( Saturday ) From 10:30 to 12:30

We are offering you a guided tour of this course. ↓

Tour Course : The mother tree of Kitayama Cedars ⇒ Group of Wooden Storehouses ⇒ Exhibition forest of Kitayama cedars for pruning ⇒ Hands-on trial of polishing a log ⇒ Explore through the village ⇒ Gigantic Daisugi ( foundation cedar ) ⇒ Autumn leaves viewing at Sorenji ( not open to public ) ⇒Observe the village ⇒ Visiting a wholesaler of polished logs.

We will be providing some tea time snacks as well as little souvenirs.

The tour will be provided even under rainy weather condition.

Meting point is Nakagawa local autonomous hall ( in front of JR Nakagawa Shogakko Mae )

Participation fee is 3,000 yen per person

1,000 yen for elementary school student

Maximum participation is 15 people

In case you are taking JR Bus from Kyoto Station, please take the one departs at 9:30 from its central part. We have parking space available for your arrival with a car.

For your application, please contact 090-3824-0927 ( Mr. Ishioka )


We are providing insurance for all the participants of this event. Please inform your address, age, phone number.

You will be invited to Yamano Mendokoro ( traditional noodle restaurant ) for your lunch time.