令和元年 秋のガイドツアー

令和元年 中川秋のガイドツアー


日時 : 11月16日(土) 午前10時30分~12時30分


集合場所 : 中川自治会館前(無料駐車場あり)




ツアー代金 : お一人様 3,000円 ・ 小学生 1,000円


募集人員 : 15名

コース : 北山杉元祖の大杉 → 木造倉庫群 → 北山杉枝打ち展示林

→ 丸太磨き実演・体験 → 集落路地 → 巨大台杉 →

宗蓮寺の紅葉(非公開寺院) → 集落展望 → 磨き丸太問屋


お申し込み先 : 電話 090-3824-9027(石岡)



メール yoshiya.iwai@gmail.com

※ 参加者には保険をかけますので、お名前・ご住所








Autumn Guide Tour of Nakagawa in 2019

This event is held on November 16th ( saturday ) starting at 10:30 and finishes at 12:30.

It will be held even under rainy weather condition.

We will get together at Nakagawa community hall. ( There is a free parking )

Access by public transportaion : By JR Bus departing from Kyoto Station at 9:30 and get off at Nakagawa Shogakko-mae.

Fee for the tour is 3,000 yen. 1,000 yen for elementary school children.

This tour is provided with snacks and small presents.

We are collecting up to 15 persons for the event.

The course starts from visiting the mother tree of Kitayama Cedars ⇒ Wooden store houses ⇒ Kitayama Cedars pruning exchabition forest ⇒ Kitayama Log polishing trial ⇒ Strolling around the village ⇒ visiting a gigantic foundation cedars ⇒ Sorenji Temple which is usually closed to public for autumn viewing ⇒ observation spot for village ⇒ wholesale store of polished logs of Kitayama.

Please come with comfortable clothes and walking shoese.

Contact : 090-3824-9027 to Ishioka's mobile or Email to Yoshiya Iwai at yoshiya.iwai@gmail.com.

We will have to require your personal information such as address, phon number, age etc. since insurance will be provided for all the participants.

In case you wish to have lunch at a noodle house of the mountain ( Yama-no Men Dokoro ), please inform us in advance.

If you ever need support with English contact us at masayukiiwasa@hotmail.co.jp