
Temecula Valley Garden Club

Elected Officers and Committee Chairpersons for 2023-2024:

Elected Officers

Co-Presidents:  Susan Corey & Jane Payne

1st VP/Programs:  Lesley Gjedde

2nd VP/Membership:  Mary Irving & Nancy August

3rd VP/Ways & Means: Carol Guerard & Ruth Lozano

Treasurer: June Cianfrana

Recording Secretary:  Marita Sension


Appointed Officers

Auditor:  Susan Deardorff

Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine:  Marlene Voll

CGCI Representative:  Ruth Lozano

Parliamentarian:  Susan Puma

Publicity:  Jane Payne & Ronna Kivisto

Standing Committee Chairpersons

Awards/Grants & Donations:  Susan Deardorff

Budget:  June Cianfrana

Bylaws:  Susan Puma

Communications:  Jane Payne

Community Service:
    Youth Gardening:  Judy Sundermann 

    Community Gardens:  Barbie Lickness

    Civic Beautification:  Jane Payne

    Grow it and Give it:  Kate Ensign

Digital Historian:  Bob Boyd

Flower Show:  Susan Corey & Susan Puma

Hospitality: Carol Howe, Janet Monroe, & Marlene Rivas

Penny Pines:  Vickie Clawson

Trips & Tours:  Ronna Kivisto


Special Committee Chairpersons

Monthly Meeting Raffles:  Mary Irving

Raffle Ticket Sales:  Sherry Edwards 

Social Media/Facebook Administrator:  Marie Clark

Member Welcome:  Ann Mousner

Telephone:  Ann Mousner

Website:  Pat Boyd

Yearbook Editor:  Ruth Lozano

Club Publications:  Ruth Lozano  

E-News: Susan Deardorff & Jane Payne

Workshops:  Ann Mousner & Ruth Lozano

Elected Officers and Committee Chairpersons for 2022-2023:

Elected Officers

Co-Presidents:  Susan Corey & Susan Puma

1st VP/Programs:  Lesley Gjedde & Betty Castaneda

2nd VP/Membership:  Carol Guerard & Mary Irving

3rd VP/Ways & Means:  Ann Mousner

Recording Secretary:  Open

Treasurer: June Cianfrana


Appointed Officers

Auditor:  Susan Deardorff

Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine:  Marlene Voll

CGCI Representative:  Ruth Lozano

Parliamentarian:  Betty Castaneda

Publicity/Communications:  Jane Payne

Standing Committee Chairpersons

Awards/Grants & Donations:  Susan Deardorff

Budget:  June Cianfrana

Bylaws:  Betty Castaneda

Community Service/Youth Gardening:  Judy Sundermann & Barbie Lickness

Digital Historian:  Bob Boyd

Hospitality: Evelyn Redman & Carol Howe

Penny Pines:  Valerie Berry

Trips & Tours:  Karolyn Marr


Special Committee Chairpersons

Raffle Ticket Sales:  Sherry Edwards & Mary Irving

Social Media/Facebook Administrator:  Open  (Jane Payne temporarily)

New Member Welcome:  Ann Mousner

Telephone:  Valerie Berry

Website:  Pat Boyd

Yearbook Editor:  Ruth Lozano

E-News: Susan Deardorff & Jane Payne

Workshops:  Ann Mousner & Ruth Lozano

Elected Officers for 2021-2022:

Co-Presidents -  Sally Kirby, Debbie Stoddard 

1st Vice Presidents-Programs -  Lesley Gjedde, Susan Corey 

2nd Vice President-Membership - Carol Guerard, Mary Irving 

3rd Vice Presidents-Ways & Means - Ann Mousner, Mary Irving 

Recording Secretary - Kate Ensign, Cheryl Reich 

Co-Treasurers - June Cianfrana, Karen Budds

Appointed Officers:

Auditor - Susan Puma 

Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine - Marlene Voll 

CGCI Representative - Susan Puma 

Parliamentarian - Betty Castaneda 

Publicity - Jane Payne 

TVGC Standing Committee Chairpersons:

Awards - Susan Deardorff 

Budget - June Cianfrana

Bylaws - Betty Castaneda

Communications - Chris Curtis 

Community Service - Judy Sundermann 

Digital Historian - Bob Boyd 

Flower Show - Susan Puma, Susan Corey

Educational Workshops - Chris Curtis, Janice Rosner 

Hospitality - Flo Lott, Carol Howe 

Penny Pines - Valerie Berry 

Scholarships - Faye Carter 

Trips and Tours - Karolyn Marr, Kathie Taylor 

Youth Gardening - Judy Sundermann 

TVGC Sub-Committees:

Calendar - Janice Rosner

E-News - Ruth Lozano 

Facebook Administrator - Jane Payne, Janice Rosner 

Photographer - Bob Boyd 

Telephone - Valerie Berry 

Website - Pat Boyd 

Welcome  - Ann Mousner 

Yearbook Editor - Ruth Lozano 

TVGC Special Committees:

Club Publications - Ruth Lozano

Garden Tips - Faye Wons 

Holiday Craft & Bake Sale - Ann Mousner & Mary Irving

Monthly Meeting Raffle - Mary Irving

Raffle Ticket Sales - Sherry Edwards 

2021 -2022 Board of Director’s Meetings

10:00 am – Friday before Tuesday’s Membership Meetings 

Heritage Community Clubhouse, 31130 S. General Kearny Rd., Temecula, CA 92591

2020-21 Officers 

Co-Presidents - Sally Kirby and Debbie Stoddard

Co-1st Vice-Presidents – Programs, Susan Corey, Lesley Gjedde

2nd Vice-President – Membership, Jane Payne

Co-3rd Vice-Presidents – Ways/Means, Carol Guerard, Patti Ritter

Recording Secretary, Kate Ensign

Co-Treasurers, Karen Budds, June Cianfrana

Appointed Officers

Auditor, Susan Puma

Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine, Cheryl Reich

CGCI Representative, Susan Puma

Parliamentarian, Betty Castaneda

Publicity, Karolyn Marr

Standing Committee Chairpersons

Awards, Cheryl Torres

Budget, Karen Budds, June Cianfrana

Bylaws, Betty Castaneda

Community Service, Judy Sundermann

Digital Historian, Bob Boyd

Flower Show, Sheri Whitton

Hospitality, Flo Lott/Carol Howe

Welcome, Ann Mousner

Educational Classes, Chris Curtis, Janice Rosner

Penny Pines, Valerie Berry

Scholarships, Faye Carter

Trips and Tours, Lesley Gjedde, Marlene Voll

Youth Gardening, Judy Sundermann, Marlene Voll


Calendar, Janice Rosner

Publications, Ruth Lozano

Facebook Administrator, Jeanne Roberts

Photographer, Jeanne Roberts

Telephone, Valerie Berry

Website, Pat Boyd

Yearbook Editor, Ruth Lozano

Communications, Chris Curtis

Special Committees

Garden Tips, Faye Wons

Holiday Craft & Bake Sale, Carol Guerard, Patti Ritter

Monthly Meeting Raffle, Mary Irving

Ticket Sales, Sherry Edwards

Board of Director’s Meetings 2020 -2021

10:00 am – All meetings will be virtual on Zoom until further notice

2019-20 Officers and Committee Chairpersons

Elected Officers

President - Susan Puma

Co-1st Vice-Presidents – Programs, Susan Cline, Susan Corey

Co-2nd Vice-Presidents – Membership, Susan Deardorff, Jane Payne

3rd Vice-President – Ways/Means, Carol Guerard

Recording Secretary, Jeanne Roberts

Co-Treasurer, Betty Castaneda, Sally Kirby

Appointed Officers

Auditor, Rea Douglas

Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine, Cheryl Reich

CGCI Representative, Alma Lyon

Parliamentarian, Debbie Stoddard

Publicity, Karolyn Marr

Standing Committee Chairpersons

Awards, Cheryl Torres

Budget, Betty Castaneda, Sally Kirby

Bylaws, Debbie Stoddard

Community Service, Judy Sundermann

Communications, Karolyn Marr

Digital Historian, Bob Boyd

Flower Show, Sheri Whitton

Hospitality, Flo Lott/Carol Howe

Member Education Classes, Chris Curtis, Janice Rosner

Penny Pines, Valerie Berry

Scholarships, Chris Curtis, Janice Rosner

Trips and Tours, Lesley Gjedde, Marlene Voll 

Youth Gardening, Judy Sundermann


Calendar, Janice Rosner

E-News, Ruth Lozano

Facebook Administrator, Jeanne Roberts

New Member Welcome, Ann Mousner 

Photographer, Bob Boyd

Telephone, Valerie Berry

Website, Pat Boyd

Yearbook Editor, Ruth Lozano

Special Committees

Garden Tips, Faye Wons

Friendship Rox, Jeanne Roberts

Holiday Craft & Bake Sale, Carol Guerard

Monthly Meeting Raffle, Carol Hudson

Ticket Sales, Sherry Edwards

Friendship Groups

Book Club, Karen Budds


Movies, Kathy Taylor & Karolyn Marr

Out to Lunch,

Master Gardeners:

Master Gardener Hot Line 951-683-6191

Susan Cline......................................... 2013

Shelley Craig....................................... 2011

Sue Cobb............................................ 2018

Christine Curtis .................................. 2017

Linda Freeman................................... 2017

Barbara Hayes (Retired).................... 2008

Christi Moore...................................... 2021

Jane Payne........................................ 2019

Linda Powell....................................... 2013

Janice Rosner..................................... 2018

Officers and Chairpersons for 2017-18:

TVGC Members of Distinction

Past Presidents

Dorothy Cramp .................................................................1984-85

Lana Tice ..........................................................................1985-86

Bea Edwards ....................................................................1986-87

Oliver Mitterwallner ...........................................................1987-88

Lou Phelps ........................................................................1988-89

Carolyn Leo........................................................................1989-90

Joyce St Amand ................................................................1990-92

Charles May ......................................................................1992-93

Gail Greer .........................................................................1993-95

Dextra Swanson ...............................................................1995-96

Thea DeWit .......................................................................1996-98

Lee Walker ........................................................................1998-99

Rena Darcy .......................................................................1999-01

Rose Shuster.....................................................................2001-02

Kathy Katz .........................................................................2002-03

Felicia Hogan ....................................................................2003-04

Susan Puma ......................................................................2004-06

Barbara Miller.....................................................................2006-07

Susan Puma......................................................................2007-09

Sally Kirby, Starr Rausch...................................................2009-11

Judy Dermody....................................................................2011-12

Starr Rausch......................................................................2012-13

Virginia Murphy..................................................................2013-14

Cheryl Torres & Chris Curtis..............................................2014-15

Cheryl Torres & Chris Curtis..............................................2015-16

Debra Jones & Janice Rosner...........................................2016-17

Debra Jones & Janice Rosner...........................................2017-18

Sherri Whitton & Susan Puma...........................................2018-19

Susan Puma......................................................................2019-20

Sally Kirby & Debbie Stoddard..........................................2020-21

Sally Kirby & Debbie Stoddard..........................................2021-22

Susan Corey & Susan Puma............................................2022-23

Susan Corey & Jane Payne..............................................2023-24

Duties and Responsibilities of Officers:

See files attached below.  Hover your cursor over a section and you should see a black square in the upper right corner.  Click on the arrow and the pdf will open so that you can read it or download it or print it.

First Vice President Programs Job Description.pdf
2nd VP - Membership Job Description Rev 2.pdf
Recording Secretary Duties and Responsibilities.pdf
Treasurer Job Description.pdf
TVGC.Auditor.JobDesc2017 (1).pdf
Publicity Chairperson and Committee.pdf
President Job Description.pdf
Parliamentarian Job Description.pdf
Webmaster Responsibilities.pdf