Friendship & Fun


"I've made some good friends through the Garden Club.  

Monthly meetings wrap up at noon, then a few of us go out for lunch together  

(even though we may have eaten some snacks at the meeting)."

The Garden Club is a good place to meet people and make new friends;

this has led to the formation of some Friendship Groups that are not officially activities of TVGC,

and therefore are not covered by the club’s liability insurance.

There is a Movie Group, a Book Group, a Games Group, and an Out to Lunch Bunch.

Activities of these groups are listed on the Calendar and announced in the E-Newsletter.

Out to Lunch Bunch - October 2016

When you are new to the area, like I was almost 10 years ago, TVGC was and is a great way to

make new friends. The opportunities for learning about gardening in So Cal. has added to my

enjoyment. The monthly programs as well as interesting trips and tours and the many activities

the club is involved in have been fun as well as educational. Community service projects like

helping with school garden requests and gardens in public places is the club's way of “giving

back”. Weekly garden workshops at a group home for youth in foster care, have been especially

rewarding for me. --Cheryl Reich

In February we held a luncheon for our new members. 

It was quite nice for the Board Members to be able to get to know a few of them on a 

more personal basis (meeting days are always busy). A good time was had by all! 

A big thanks to all that participated!  --Janice Rosner, Co-president.

New Member Luncheon - February 2017   

Temecula ROX


"One day I was on my way into the bank, when I noticed a rock on a light post.  

It was painted red and green, very hard to miss.

I turned the rock over, it had a Facebook emblem and said:

Temecula ROX

Join the Community

I put the ROX in my pocketbook and later went on Facebook.  

Temecula ROX page is one that promotes the community in a positive way.  

If you find a rock and decide to keep it, they ask that you paint more rocks and put them into the community for others to find.  

I asked the page owner if the garden club could paint some rocks for our flower show.  The owner of the page said, "yes".  

So, Southwest Boulder donated some rocks (24), Rancho Damacitas children painted the rocks, and 

Temecula Valley Garden Club members placed the rocks out into the community.  

Two TVGC members painted rocks (sunflowers) and my neighbor, who is an artist, 

is painting pansies on five rocks because 2017 is the year of the pansy,

 but, she was not finished painting the ROX when I took these photos. 

(see attached photos of finished sunflowers and partially finished pansy)."

--Jeanne Roberts