TVGC Activities for September 2024
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
General Membership Meeting
Temecula Community Center
28816 Pujol Street
Temecula, CA 92590
Program: Techniques & Safety in the Garden
Speaker: Linda Powell, TVGC member and UCCE Master Gardener.
Special emphasis will be placed on methods, procedures and tools to
allow you to continue to garden with ease at any age.
Potluck Lunch
Guests are always welcome
Kate Ensign will be handling the Grow It and Give It program and be delivering our donations each month
to the Murrieta United Methodist Church Food Pantry.
So, please check your pantry for any extra canned or packaged food and bring it to the meeting.
Or bring any excess produce from your garden.
Trips and Tours
November 7, 2024
CGCI Floral Design Forum
Nothing planned until next fall
For more details, go to the Palomar District page.
Let Ruth Lozano know if you want to attend.
Nothing planned until next fall
Cookbooks are for sale.
Recipes provided by TVGC members.
This loose leaf bound book contains a collection of “tried and true” recipes
first compiled in 2006. They range from appetizers, beverages,
soups, salads, sides, main dishes, desserts, cookies and candy.
Plus the book cleverly incorporates a handy cook book stand stored inside on the binder rings.
Members can purchase cookbooks from Carol Guerard.
Cookbooks are for sale to the public in Old Town Temecula at
Temecula Olive Oil Company, 28653 Old Town Front Street.
If you wish to join TVGC, go to the Membership page and download the application form.
The first three of TVGC’s Garden Guide Booklets are available for sale for $5 each.
The first booklet lists trees that grow readily in the Temecula Valley, along with beautiful color photos,
and much information about each species and a location where you can see a real tree of each variety.
The second booklet is on Shrubs for our area, and the third is about Succulents.
These beautiful booklets make great gifts.
Tree Care
This is from a past Master Gardener Workshop. This and more can be found at:
June 11, 2022
Speaker: John Huddleston, Owner, Precision Tree Experts
Trees are valuable! Did you know that a healthy and well-placed tree with a good structure could be worth tens of thousands of dollars...sometimes hundreds of thousands?! And think about the wildlife, aesthetics, and shade trees bring to the landscape. According to the study, the right amount of tree cover can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Let's discuss how to keep our trees healthy in this drought period and beyond.
Workshop Handouts: Practical guide to tree trimming | Waterwise tree care
Riverside County Master Gardeners
Here is the link to their website, which contains a huge amount of information and links to other resources:
They also have a Facebook page:
The West County Events e-Blast is published monthly by the UC Master Gardeners of Riverside County.
Articles highlight upcoming events of Master Gardener Volunteers throughout the western and southern areas of Riverside County.
Great info on MG Training Classes AND Home Gardening Basics
Click on the following link to take you to the archives,
and if you are interested, you can register to receive the e-Blast monthly via your email:
The Master Gardener e-Blast and website includes information on websites and videos of interest to gardeners,
and garden tips for the current month.
Classes, workshops, schedule of Master Gardeners at Farmers' Markets, and more.
Master Gardener Workshops
Western Municipal Water District partners with the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Master Gardener Program of Riverside County
to host FREE monthly workshops that focus on gardening and efficient outdoor water use.
Workshops are hosted on the second Saturday of each month.
Many of the past presentations can be replayed from the website:
March 10, 2023
Speaker: Kathy Steckman
Home Composting — Build a five-star hotel for your worms!
For a replay of this workshop, click on this link:
Vermicompost has a number of benefits.
Learn the ins and outs of home composting and what an enormous difference it can make in your own home garden.
Healthy soil holds more water than a nutrient deficient soil.
This is an easy money and water-saving practice available to all.
Learn how to create and maintain your own five-star hotel for worms and many other beneficial bugs.
Upcoming Events at Temecula Valley Rose Society
TVRS Monthly Member Program
Date: Third Thursday of the Month, Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula
(note: there may be an occasional change)
Refreshments and socializing start at 10am and our program will start at 10:30 a.m.
Guests are welcome!
Please check out our Newsletter at our website for more information about this month's Member Meeting
and for monthly tips and features on roses, as well as
Frank Brines’, Master Consulting Rosarian, monthly column, ”Rose Care FUNdamentals”
Rose Haven Heritage Garden 30th Anniversary
Offering an Opportunity for you to “Help Us Grow Our Garden”
In 2020 the Temecula Valley Rose Society kicked off a fundraising campaign to support our 3-year
master plan for renovations, improvements and new features to the Garden. We are excited to
announce a significant new addition, the Boos Courtyard Labyrinth, which will include a 24’ walking
labyrinth encircled with 220 commemorative engraved Donor Bricks. This is an outstanding
opportunity for members of our community to join the “Help Us Grow Our Garden” campaign,
be recognized as a donor, and become a permanent part of this enchanting Garden.
Order Online:
Families in the Garden will continue their third Saturday of the month programs.
(hiatus during June, July, and August)
Families in the Garden programs are held at Rose Haven garden at
30592 Jedediah Smith Rd in Temecula in the Tree of Life garden area.
@ 9:30-10:30am
Any questions or additional info: Alicia R. Cline at 951-234-2218 (I don't know why they have 2 FB pages.)
To view the "2022-23 Year in Review" Photo Presentation by Bob Boyd, go to
To view the "2021-22 Year in Review" Photo Presentation by Bob Boyd, go to
For 2020-21, the COVID pandemic curtailed most in-person gatherings.
As things began to open up... on May 11, 2021, three TVGC members opened their Gardens for a tour.
Here is a link to some video taken by Bob Boyd that day:
At our End of Year meeting in June 2021, (via Zoom), members were shown
'A Virtual Flower Show' prepared by Susan Puma and Bob Boyd,
featuring 150 beautiful photos submitted by TVGC members of their plants
growing in their own gardens.
You can view the Flower Show on You Tube at any time by clicking this link:
To view the "2018-19 Year in Review" Photo Presentation by Bob Boyd, go to
To view the "2017-18 Year in Review" Photo Presentation by Bob Boyd, go to
To view the "2016-17 Year in Review" Photo Presentation by Bob Boyd, go to
Introducing New Invitation Card
for members to hand out to prospective new members
"a convenient tool to spread our seeds, cultivate our passion, and grow our membership"