
Bowyer's Stength (1 point)

This talent reflects a bowman’s strength and technique in firing a bow. As such for purposes of meeting the Strength Minimum requirement the character possess +3 STR.

Master Climber (5 points)

Prereq: Climbing 14-

This ability allows the character to climb a sheer surface regardless of the circumstances.

Clinging; Requires Climbing Roll (-1/2), Only to negate climbing penalties (-1/2)

Master of Stealth (8 points)

Prereq: Stealth 14-

This ability allows the character to vanish into thin air provided there is some shadow or object to hid behind.

Invisibility to Sight & Hearing Groups; Requires Stealth Roll (-1/2), Only to negate stealth penalties (-1), Must have Shadow/Object/Or Distraction (-1/2), Cannot use skills that would draw attention (-1/2)

Trap Sense (6 points)

This ability allows the character to sense the presence of traps like any other change in the environment. A character with this sense can move through an area at normal speed and still have a good chance of knowing whether or not traps are present. A PER roll indicates the presence of traps and the distance at which a trap is detected. The character must be able to see where the trap will impact. If due to line of sight the character is within this range, every 2 points of success not accounted for by range adds +1 to locate the trap.

Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional); Traps Only (-2), Must be able to see the Trap's target area (-1/2), PER Roll Required