
All healing potions weigh 0.05kg and can be drunk (for general healing) or applied to the wound (for directed healing).

Building Potions

The power a potion confers is built as normal without the Charges or Independent limitations. This is primarily because Charges which never Recover -4 dilutes all other limitations on the effect and power. The consumable nature of the potion is built into the cost factor of such items.

Multiple Doses

Taking multiple doses at once maximizes the potions effectiveness (maximum dice roll). An additional dose increases the effect by 5 Active Points. Each doubling of dosage thereafter increases the effect by 5 Active Points.

If the potion has a set effect, additional doses increase the duration by 50% per dose.


Roll xd6 and count STUN and BODY. This is the amount healed. No other kinds of potions of healing exist. For direct Body Healing, scrolls or spells are the only option. Because they can be used every phase, they can be quite effective, even low power ones. However, impairing/disabling wounds must be healed all or nothing. Other BODY damage can be healed easily, but crippling injuries if dire can be very hard to heal.

Healing (Simple); Decreased Reuse Duration (Phase) +1 3/4; OAF Fragile -1 1/4, Gestures (must drink or apply) -1/4, Self-Only -1/2, Impairing/Disabling is healed All or Nothing -1/4.


Roll xd6 and restore that many character points to the desired characteristic.

Healing; Decreased Reuse Duration (Phase) +1 3/4, Any Characteristic Below Starting Value +1/4; OAF Fragile -1 1/4, Gestures (must drink or apply) -1/4, Self-Only -1/2.

Curing & Purification

Anecdotally 750gp.