Campaign Guidelines

Starting Points

100 Total Points: 50 base + 50 disads.


Characters who die and brought back are eligible for XP up to the point of death or 50% the XP for the adventure (whichever is less). In addition, they incur a "death penalty" to their characteristics. For each primary characteristic roll 3d6 vs. a target of 12- (ignore Comeliness). If successful, the characteristic is unaffected, otherwise lose 1d6 CP from that characteristic. No more than 3 characteristics can be reduced in this fashion, and the player may start in any order he chooses. Figured characteristics must be recalculated with the exception of SPD - that characteristic remains unchanged. These points may not be restored in-game, but may be bought off with XP. The character will also earn a bonus of 20% the CP lost per session, awarded with the standard group XP award at the end of the adventure.

New Characters

New characters begin at a random amount of XP below the party baseline. Roll 3d6 on the table below:

They begin with normal starting wealth plus a bonus of Total XP * 50 * 1d6gp with a 3,000gp limit (Large Town). No more than 25% of this wealth can be spent on consumables (i.e. scrolls, potions, ammunition, etc.).

They will earn bonus XP per session equal to 20% * Result above until they catch up to the baseline, awarded with the standard group XP award at the end of the adventure.

Party NPCs (Henchmen)

These characters begin and remain at 50 points below the current baseline. They begin with normal starting wealth + XP * 50 * 1d6gp with a 3,000gp limit (Large Town). No more than 25% of this wealth can be spent on consumables (i.e. scrolls, potions, ammunition, etc.). If killed and brought back they recover the "death penalty" to characteristics at the end of the next adventure.

Campaign Limits

Primary Characteristics: Total Points/2. Normal characteristic maxima are in effect.

Overall Skill Levels: Total Points/100 (truncate).