Out-of-School Services

The following list includes out-of-school SLP services available in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan:

Prince Albert Parkland Health Region (Speech-Language Therapy)

Services available for:

  • Infants

  • Toddlers

  • Preschoolers (not in PreKindergarten programs)

  • Infants, toddlers, and preschool children enrolled in privately funded programs housed in schools (e.g. Preschools, Daycares, Early Learning Rooms).

  • Adults

PAPHR does not provide SLP services for children enrolled in school programs, including Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-12. This includes children who are home-schooled or in private schools.

Contact Information:

  • PAPHR’s Therapies Department office is located at Victoria Hospital:

1200 24th Street West, Prince Albert, SK. S6V 5T4

ph: (306) 765-6126 / Fax: (306) 765-6284

Website: http://paphr.ca/services/therapy

Private Practice in Saskatchewan (Speech-Language Therapy)

Licensed professionals who have met the standards for practice in Saskatchewan are available to provide services if:

  • you are unable to access public services

  • you want to get started right way

  • you want more than public services can offer

  • you want a second opinion

Hourly rates for assessment and therapy apply.

For more information, please visit the SASLPA Website (check "Click here to find Private Practice services" and search by location)