Speech Games

The speech games listed on this page will be most useful for practicing sounds at the word and sentence levels. In order to play the games listed, you will need 2 or more players and a duplicate set of picture cards with your child's target sound (picture cards can be found on the Speech Materials page). You will need to print and cut out the picture cards before you play the games. You may want to glue them onto recipe cards or construction paper for increased durability.

Speech Game Suggestions:

1. Memory / Concentration:

All of the picture cards are spread out and placed face down on the table. Players take turns trying to find two picture cards that match. Turn 1 card over and name it. Then, turn another card over and name it also. If the two cards match, then the player places them aside and takes another turn. If the two cards do not match, then the player turns them face down and the next player takes a turn. The object is to match all of the pairs. The player with the most pairs wins. Make sure your child uses their good sounds as they name the cards.

2. Hide 'n Seek:

Hide the picture cards around the room. Your child can name each picture as they find it, using their good sound.

3. Magic Card:

The picture cards are shuffled and spread face down on the table. The dealer selects one card as the “magic card”, shows it to the players, then places it to the side. The first player selects a card and names it. If it is not the card that matches the magic card, the card is left face up and another player attempts to turn over the mate to the magic card. The game concludes when a player finds the mate.

4. Bean Bag Toss:

Place the target picture cards on the floor. Your child can toss the bean bag and try to hit the target pictures. Ask your child to name the picture they hit. Your child can also tell you which card they will try to hit before tossing the bean bag.

5. Bag of Cards:

Put all of the cards in a bag. Ask your child to close their eyes and pick a card out of the bag. They must name the card that is picked.

6. Bowling:

Place the cards under toy bowling pins. Your child can name the pictures that are located under the pins that are knocked over.

7. Flashlight:

Put the pictures in various places around the room. Turn off the lights. Your child can use the flashlight to find the cards. They should name the cards as they are found.