

An informal course looking at the big questions of life!

Who is it for?

The Alpha course is designed primarily for people who aren't churchgoers and the course is open to everyone who would like to attend. People attend for a wide variety of reasons - some want to investigate whether God exists; others are concerned about what happens after death. Some people have particular questions that they would like to discuss; others want to understand other peoples' beliefs or would like to explore what the purpose of life is. 


How the course works

Each session begins with breakfast. We watch a video which looks at different aspects of the Christian faith each week. This is followed by a time of discussion, where everyone is welcome to contribute their opinion, ask questions and discuss with the rest of the group. 

There is no charge for attending the Alpha course.


Our Alpha Course

The next Alpha Course will take place in August 2023.  Sessions for school aged children will be available so the whole family can take part together.  No charge, no need to book or to attend every session. All Welcome. If you have any questions about the Alpha course please contact us on 020 8592 2822 or email