Rule of Life

Rule of life

The Christian life is about every day....

Rule of Life is about our commitment to God in key areas of discipleship for the coming year. It is between you and God. We renewed our personal commitment to God on Sunday 10th September.

At St Mary's, we ask each person to consider their commitment in the following areas. You are welcome to join in at home and make your own commitments or pop into St Mary's and pick up a Rule of Life card. This is just for you. You do not need to show what you write to anyone else.

I commit to .....

Start with prayer. Pray about each area and what you feel God is asking of you. This may take some time. You may not fill in all areas in one sitting. There is no hurry.

It is helpful to make commitments

2 Samuel 24. 24 I will not offer to the Lord my God sacrifices that cost me nothing