Giving is an important part of discipleship, and we do believe in being a generous church, giving cheerfully to the needs around us. Simply put, giving is part of our community life together.
You can support the work of St Mary's Church by giving Weekly, Monthly or a one off Donation. We take an offering, during both of our morning services at St. Mary's.
Standing Order: This is a simple option for those who want their giving to be regular and consistent. It also reduces our admin costs and helps with budgeting.
The Co-operative Bank
St Mary's Church Central Fund
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account: 67325249
Cheques and Cash: Gifts can be placed in the box at the back of church or posted to the church office. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St Mary's Church Central Fund’.
Card Payments: We can now receive your offering through our card payment machine at the back of church immediately following the services.
Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer, St Mary's parish is able to reclaim a further 25% of the value of your gift. For us to be able to claim tax back on your gifts, you need to complete a gift aid declaration form (copies can be found at the back of both churches) or please contact our Finance Team or Church Office.