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Welcome to Saint Patrick School Art Room!
Van Gogh Virtual Tour
1st Grade Art Links to Lessons
2nd Grade Art Links to Lessons
30 drawing challenge
3rd Grade Art Links to Lessons
4th Grade Art Links to Lessons
Facial expressions
5 Minute Self Portrait CHALLENGE
5th Grade Art Links to Lessons
6th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade PODCASTS
8th Grade art Links to Lesson
A Bad Case of Stripes
Aboriginal Painting: Dot Painting
About Me
Adding Detail to portraits
Akirs Yoshizawa and Origami art apps
Alex Beard
Analyzing ART
Android Apps Art Lesson Links
Android/Google Apps
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol: Pop Art
Art apps we will use in class
Art Centers Session 2
Art Centers Session 3
Art Critique Process
Art History Apps
Art History Bottles
Art History Centers session 1
Art History Research
Arthur Ganson: Kinetic Sculpture and Junk Art
Artist Jigsaw Puzzle Game
Artist Tading Cards
Artsonia: Title and artist statement
Behind the scenes of Artsonia
Behind the scenes of the Grinch
Blue Dog by Rodriguez
Brown Bear
Buildology Club information
Buildology Event Calendar
Buildology Videos
Can't Mix For Primaries
Cardinals painting and oil pastel
Careers in Art
Cartoon Faces
Catholic Schools Week Quilt
Cave art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art: Lets look at what you can do
Chalk Paper Marbling
Charcoal Skull or skeleton
Chinese New Year
Christmas Ornaments
Class Announcements
Class Calendar
Class Dojo
Class Photos and Animotos
Class Rules as explained by the Minions
Clay Pinch Pot Animals
Color monster Fair
COLOR one element of art
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color wheel birds
Color: Concentric Circles
Coloring with oil Pastels: Pumpkin Project
Colors in Motion
Columbus ship
Comic Book Art
Contact Me
contour line
Contour Line Hearts
Crackle Finish Flower
Create your own: Principle or Element of Design page
Creating an animation: animation studio app
Creative Names
Creativity with Portraits
Creativity with Portraits
decorative wood spoons and forks
Designing your hand
Diary of a wimpy kid
Diego Rivera
Distorted Portrait MC Escher Style
Dr suess: THE ART
Dr. Suess and Google Doodle "The Thinks You Can Think"
Dr. Suess Week
Draw the other half
Drawing a Mug
Drawing a pine cone: Charcoal
Drawing an owl
Drawing and Writing: The History and the Materials
Drawing Flowers all shapes, sizes and colors
Duck: Guji Guji book
EAGLE CAM lets draw an eagle!
Eating the Alphabet
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Egg Drawing
Element Of Art Line
Element of art: LINE 1st grade
Elements of Art
Elements of Art: Wassily Kandinsky
End of the Year: 8th grade
Enemy Pie
Eric Carle Illustrator and Author
Expressive Portrait
Extra Credit
Eyes, Nose and Mouth
Facial Expressions
Fall Colors
Fall Mosaics
First Night Carlisle
FISH radial design
Form Charcoal Drawing
Forms and Docs
Fractured Hearts
Franz Marc: Horses
Freight Train
Frosty the Snowman
Fruit and Vegatables
Gallery Lite Create your own art gallery
Georgia O'keefe Flowers
Getty Museum Challenge!
Glad Monster Sad Monster
Glow Draw Self Portrait
Graffiti Art and Urban Art
Greek Mythology: Recreate Your Own Mythical Character
Grey Scale
Grid System Self Portrait: PIXEL PORTRAIT
Guatemalan Plate
Guji Guji
Gustav Klimt Swirl trees
Harry Potter Cover art
Henri Rousseau The color green
History of the LEGO
Homework Assignments
Homework For Week of October 11th
Homework For Week Of October 18th
Homework For Week Of October 25th
How a lego is made
How are you Peeling? Food Art
how color pencils are made
How crayons are made
How to draw ELF on the Shelf
How to draw optical illusions
How to pick a building set
Illuminated Manuscripts: Initials and Self Portrait
Illustrating a Caldecott Book
Illustrating With author Jacqui
Illustration: cars, flowers or both
Inside the flower: Manger Scene
International Dot Day
Invader: Cubism
ipod/ipad/iphone App Links to Lessons
ipodand ipad photo apps
Jackson Pollock in the Snow
Janet Fish: Active Space
Jelly Fish Painting
Jewelry Design "Snap My Art"
Jim Dine: Color
Jim Dine: Texture
Jim Dine: Texture
Joseph Cornell: Box Art
Kehinde Wiley
Keith Haring
Knd Grade Art Lesson Links
Knex Expert
Learning to Draw
Leaves: color and creating
Leonardo Di Vinci: Traveling Exhibit
Lets Create Pottery app
Lets visit the Georgia Aquarium
Line Art Using Rulers
Lines in motion
lines in Motion
Looking at Pumpkins in a Different way
Looking at Starry Night in Motion
Making of Despicable me
Marc Chagall
Mardi Gras: who is behind the mask?
Masks: Working with Form
Matisse Apples on a Plate
MC Escher & The Harry Potter
MC Escher Tesselations
MC Escher The Impossible Cube
Me and My Cat
Meet book illustrator Christopher Bing
Metallic Names beginning of reverse drawing
Mexican Clay Sun
minecraft lego and clay stopmotion
Mixed up chameleon
Mixing the Color GREEN
Mona Lisa
Mondrian: Driven to Abstraction
Mondrian: Shape, Color and line
Monet Cathedral
Monet Haystacks
Monet Quiz
Monochromatic Color Scheme
Monster Quilt
Monsters inc.
Moon shaped santa sculpture
Moraccan tiles
My Brushes app
My Many Color Days
Myth Busters Lego Ball
Native American Pottery
Northern Lights Virtual Tour
Online Programs
Origami Pig
Origami Yoda author Tom Angleberger and other books
ottograph mural painting
Outer Space More than black and White
Outer Space more than just black and white
Pa Farm Show Butter Sculpture
PA Farm Show: ART WEEK
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Painted plates: Ancient and Historical Designs
Painting 101: Progression in painting LAYERS
Painting and drawing on a smart board
Painting Foundation and brush work
Painting with texture
Pattern Background Names
Pattern Hands
Paul Cezanne and his skull paintings
Paul Cezanne: activated Space
Paul Cezanne: Fruit
Paul Cezanne: Shape and Color
Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Peter Max POP ART
Petroglyph and Pictograph
Piet Mondrian and Arthur episode Binky the Art Expert
Pine Cone: Drawing
Plate Printing
Pointallism Hearts
Pointillism Valentine
POP art with your name
Post Card Home
Post Card Home
Poster Contest: "Stop School Bullying"
Principles of Art
Rainbow Fish
Recomended Reading List
recycled cross
Reverse drawing method
Robert Indiana
scherenchnitt paper cutting
Scholastic Art Magazine
scratch art: Crayon and Oil Pastel
Sculpting Santa
Senator Baseball Book Markers
Sketch and Paint
Sketch Book Mobile Express App
Sketchbook: How do I use one?
Snow People
snowmen at night
Space more than just black and white
Spookley the square pumpkin
Spring Trees
SPS online Gallery Link
St. Jude Cards for Kids
Starry Night Snowman
Starry Night Van Gogh
Starry Night Van Gogh
state flags
stone carving: texture
Student of the month
John Doe
Substitute Art Page
Swordbird Illustrator and young Author
Take A Wild Ride Through History
Teaching About Issues: Environmental, Social, and Economic
The art of Glass Blowing
The art of Glass Blowing
The Art Of Video Games: Geometric Design
The Biggest Drawing in the World
The color GREEN
The Color Orange
the Color Wheel: Joe the artist
The Cube, square and triangle in art
The Dot
The History of Portraits
The History of the Self Portrait
The Kiln Process
The Magic Paintbrush Asian Art
The Night I followed My dog
The Scream
The Snowy day
The Study of leaves
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
There Was An Old Lady Who Swollowed A Fly
Tim Burton Art
Ukranian Egg designs
Useful Links
Using Chalk Pastels: water blending
Using flower petals in art
using paper in Architecture
Valentine Love Bird
Van Gogh Art Images
Van Gogh His Life & Art
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Virtual Field trip to the farm
Virtual Tour of the Grand Canyon
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Washington DC Cherry Blossom Tour for 2020
Virtual Zoo trips create a Biome
Visit My chicken COOP on a virtual tour
Wallace & Gromit
Warm and Cool Color Self Portrait
Warm Colors
Wassily Kadinsky Color
Wassily Kandinsky
Water Shed: The Chesapeake bay
What can you do for troops
What is a work of art
What is art
What is ART?
What is Graphic Arts?
When Pigasso Met Mootisse
word art
Word Art
word art
Word of the Week
schadenfreude \SHAH-dn-froi-duh\ (noun)
Welcome to Saint Patrick School Art Room!
Van Gogh Virtual Tour
1st Grade Art Links to Lessons
2nd Grade Art Links to Lessons
30 drawing challenge
3rd Grade Art Links to Lessons
4th Grade Art Links to Lessons
Facial expressions
5 Minute Self Portrait CHALLENGE
5th Grade Art Links to Lessons
6th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade PODCASTS
8th Grade art Links to Lesson
A Bad Case of Stripes
Aboriginal Painting: Dot Painting
About Me
Adding Detail to portraits
Akirs Yoshizawa and Origami art apps
Alex Beard
Analyzing ART
Android Apps Art Lesson Links
Android/Google Apps
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol: Pop Art
Art apps we will use in class
Art Centers Session 2
Art Centers Session 3
Art Critique Process
Art History Apps
Art History Bottles
Art History Centers session 1
Art History Research
Arthur Ganson: Kinetic Sculpture and Junk Art
Artist Jigsaw Puzzle Game
Artist Tading Cards
Artsonia: Title and artist statement
Behind the scenes of Artsonia
Behind the scenes of the Grinch
Blue Dog by Rodriguez
Brown Bear
Buildology Club information
Buildology Event Calendar
Buildology Videos
Can't Mix For Primaries
Cardinals painting and oil pastel
Careers in Art
Cartoon Faces
Catholic Schools Week Quilt
Cave art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art: Lets look at what you can do
Chalk Paper Marbling
Charcoal Skull or skeleton
Chinese New Year
Christmas Ornaments
Class Announcements
Class Calendar
Class Dojo
Class Photos and Animotos
Class Rules as explained by the Minions
Clay Pinch Pot Animals
Color monster Fair
COLOR one element of art
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color wheel birds
Color: Concentric Circles
Coloring with oil Pastels: Pumpkin Project
Colors in Motion
Columbus ship
Comic Book Art
Contact Me
contour line
Contour Line Hearts
Crackle Finish Flower
Create your own: Principle or Element of Design page
Creating an animation: animation studio app
Creative Names
Creativity with Portraits
Creativity with Portraits
decorative wood spoons and forks
Designing your hand
Diary of a wimpy kid
Diego Rivera
Distorted Portrait MC Escher Style
Dr suess: THE ART
Dr. Suess and Google Doodle "The Thinks You Can Think"
Dr. Suess Week
Draw the other half
Drawing a Mug
Drawing a pine cone: Charcoal
Drawing an owl
Drawing and Writing: The History and the Materials
Drawing Flowers all shapes, sizes and colors
Duck: Guji Guji book
EAGLE CAM lets draw an eagle!
Eating the Alphabet
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Egg Drawing
Element Of Art Line
Element of art: LINE 1st grade
Elements of Art
Elements of Art: Wassily Kandinsky
End of the Year: 8th grade
Enemy Pie
Eric Carle Illustrator and Author
Expressive Portrait
Extra Credit
Eyes, Nose and Mouth
Facial Expressions
Fall Colors
Fall Mosaics
First Night Carlisle
FISH radial design
Form Charcoal Drawing
Forms and Docs
Fractured Hearts
Franz Marc: Horses
Freight Train
Frosty the Snowman
Fruit and Vegatables
Gallery Lite Create your own art gallery
Georgia O'keefe Flowers
Getty Museum Challenge!
Glad Monster Sad Monster
Glow Draw Self Portrait
Graffiti Art and Urban Art
Greek Mythology: Recreate Your Own Mythical Character
Grey Scale
Grid System Self Portrait: PIXEL PORTRAIT
Guatemalan Plate
Guji Guji
Gustav Klimt Swirl trees
Harry Potter Cover art
Henri Rousseau The color green
History of the LEGO
Homework Assignments
Homework For Week of October 11th
Homework For Week Of October 18th
Homework For Week Of October 25th
How a lego is made
How are you Peeling? Food Art
how color pencils are made
How crayons are made
How to draw ELF on the Shelf
How to draw optical illusions
How to pick a building set
Illuminated Manuscripts: Initials and Self Portrait
Illustrating a Caldecott Book
Illustrating With author Jacqui
Illustration: cars, flowers or both
Inside the flower: Manger Scene
International Dot Day
Invader: Cubism
ipod/ipad/iphone App Links to Lessons
ipodand ipad photo apps
Jackson Pollock in the Snow
Janet Fish: Active Space
Jelly Fish Painting
Jewelry Design "Snap My Art"
Jim Dine: Color
Jim Dine: Texture
Jim Dine: Texture
Joseph Cornell: Box Art
Kehinde Wiley
Keith Haring
Knd Grade Art Lesson Links
Knex Expert
Learning to Draw
Leaves: color and creating
Leonardo Di Vinci: Traveling Exhibit
Lets Create Pottery app
Lets visit the Georgia Aquarium
Line Art Using Rulers
Lines in motion
lines in Motion
Looking at Pumpkins in a Different way
Looking at Starry Night in Motion
Making of Despicable me
Marc Chagall
Mardi Gras: who is behind the mask?
Masks: Working with Form
Matisse Apples on a Plate
MC Escher & The Harry Potter
MC Escher Tesselations
MC Escher The Impossible Cube
Me and My Cat
Meet book illustrator Christopher Bing
Metallic Names beginning of reverse drawing
Mexican Clay Sun
minecraft lego and clay stopmotion
Mixed up chameleon
Mixing the Color GREEN
Mona Lisa
Mondrian: Driven to Abstraction
Mondrian: Shape, Color and line
Monet Cathedral
Monet Haystacks
Monet Quiz
Monochromatic Color Scheme
Monster Quilt
Monsters inc.
Moon shaped santa sculpture
Moraccan tiles
My Brushes app
My Many Color Days
Myth Busters Lego Ball
Native American Pottery
Northern Lights Virtual Tour
Online Programs
Origami Pig
Origami Yoda author Tom Angleberger and other books
ottograph mural painting
Outer Space More than black and White
Outer Space more than just black and white
Pa Farm Show Butter Sculpture
PA Farm Show: ART WEEK
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Painted plates: Ancient and Historical Designs
Painting 101: Progression in painting LAYERS
Painting and drawing on a smart board
Painting Foundation and brush work
Painting with texture
Pattern Background Names
Pattern Hands
Paul Cezanne and his skull paintings
Paul Cezanne: activated Space
Paul Cezanne: Fruit
Paul Cezanne: Shape and Color
Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Peter Max POP ART
Petroglyph and Pictograph
Piet Mondrian and Arthur episode Binky the Art Expert
Pine Cone: Drawing
Plate Printing
Pointallism Hearts
Pointillism Valentine
POP art with your name
Post Card Home
Post Card Home
Poster Contest: "Stop School Bullying"
Principles of Art
Rainbow Fish
Recomended Reading List
recycled cross
Reverse drawing method
Robert Indiana
scherenchnitt paper cutting
Scholastic Art Magazine
scratch art: Crayon and Oil Pastel
Sculpting Santa
Senator Baseball Book Markers
Sketch and Paint
Sketch Book Mobile Express App
Sketchbook: How do I use one?
Snow People
snowmen at night
Space more than just black and white
Spookley the square pumpkin
Spring Trees
SPS online Gallery Link
St. Jude Cards for Kids
Starry Night Snowman
Starry Night Van Gogh
Starry Night Van Gogh
state flags
stone carving: texture
Student of the month
John Doe
Substitute Art Page
Swordbird Illustrator and young Author
Take A Wild Ride Through History
Teaching About Issues: Environmental, Social, and Economic
The art of Glass Blowing
The art of Glass Blowing
The Art Of Video Games: Geometric Design
The Biggest Drawing in the World
The color GREEN
The Color Orange
the Color Wheel: Joe the artist
The Cube, square and triangle in art
The Dot
The History of Portraits
The History of the Self Portrait
The Kiln Process
The Magic Paintbrush Asian Art
The Night I followed My dog
The Scream
The Snowy day
The Study of leaves
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
There Was An Old Lady Who Swollowed A Fly
Tim Burton Art
Ukranian Egg designs
Useful Links
Using Chalk Pastels: water blending
Using flower petals in art
using paper in Architecture
Valentine Love Bird
Van Gogh Art Images
Van Gogh His Life & Art
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Virtual Field trip to the farm
Virtual Tour of the Grand Canyon
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Washington DC Cherry Blossom Tour for 2020
Virtual Zoo trips create a Biome
Visit My chicken COOP on a virtual tour
Wallace & Gromit
Warm and Cool Color Self Portrait
Warm Colors
Wassily Kadinsky Color
Wassily Kandinsky
Water Shed: The Chesapeake bay
What can you do for troops
What is a work of art
What is art
What is ART?
What is Graphic Arts?
When Pigasso Met Mootisse
word art
Word Art
word art
Word of the Week
schadenfreude \SHAH-dn-froi-duh\ (noun)
Welcome to Saint Patrick School Art Room!
Van Gogh Virtual Tour
1st Grade Art Links to Lessons
2nd Grade Art Links to Lessons
30 drawing challenge
3rd Grade Art Links to Lessons
4th Grade Art Links to Lessons
Facial expressions
5 Minute Self Portrait CHALLENGE
5th Grade Art Links to Lessons
6th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade Art Links to Lesson
7th Grade PODCASTS
8th Grade art Links to Lesson
A Bad Case of Stripes
Aboriginal Painting: Dot Painting
About Me
Adding Detail to portraits
Akirs Yoshizawa and Origami art apps
Alex Beard
Analyzing ART
Android Apps Art Lesson Links
Android/Google Apps
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol: Pop Art
Art apps we will use in class
Art Centers Session 2
Art Centers Session 3
Art Critique Process
Art History Apps
Art History Bottles
Art History Centers session 1
Art History Research
Arthur Ganson: Kinetic Sculpture and Junk Art
Artist Jigsaw Puzzle Game
Artist Tading Cards
Artsonia: Title and artist statement
Behind the scenes of Artsonia
Behind the scenes of the Grinch
Blue Dog by Rodriguez
Brown Bear
Buildology Club information
Buildology Event Calendar
Buildology Videos
Can't Mix For Primaries
Cardinals painting and oil pastel
Careers in Art
Cartoon Faces
Catholic Schools Week Quilt
Cave art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art
Chalk Art: Lets look at what you can do
Chalk Paper Marbling
Charcoal Skull or skeleton
Chinese New Year
Christmas Ornaments
Class Announcements
Class Calendar
Class Dojo
Class Photos and Animotos
Class Rules as explained by the Minions
Clay Pinch Pot Animals
Color monster Fair
COLOR one element of art
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color wheel birds
Color: Concentric Circles
Coloring with oil Pastels: Pumpkin Project
Colors in Motion
Columbus ship
Comic Book Art
Contact Me
contour line
Contour Line Hearts
Crackle Finish Flower
Create your own: Principle or Element of Design page
Creating an animation: animation studio app
Creative Names
Creativity with Portraits
Creativity with Portraits
decorative wood spoons and forks
Designing your hand
Diary of a wimpy kid
Diego Rivera
Distorted Portrait MC Escher Style
Dr suess: THE ART
Dr. Suess and Google Doodle "The Thinks You Can Think"
Dr. Suess Week
Draw the other half
Drawing a Mug
Drawing a pine cone: Charcoal
Drawing an owl
Drawing and Writing: The History and the Materials
Drawing Flowers all shapes, sizes and colors
Duck: Guji Guji book
EAGLE CAM lets draw an eagle!
Eating the Alphabet
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Edward Gorey Google Doodle
Egg Drawing
Element Of Art Line
Element of art: LINE 1st grade
Elements of Art
Elements of Art: Wassily Kandinsky
End of the Year: 8th grade
Enemy Pie
Eric Carle Illustrator and Author
Expressive Portrait
Extra Credit
Eyes, Nose and Mouth
Facial Expressions
Fall Colors
Fall Mosaics
First Night Carlisle
FISH radial design
Form Charcoal Drawing
Forms and Docs
Fractured Hearts
Franz Marc: Horses
Freight Train
Frosty the Snowman
Fruit and Vegatables
Gallery Lite Create your own art gallery
Georgia O'keefe Flowers
Getty Museum Challenge!
Glad Monster Sad Monster
Glow Draw Self Portrait
Graffiti Art and Urban Art
Greek Mythology: Recreate Your Own Mythical Character
Grey Scale
Grid System Self Portrait: PIXEL PORTRAIT
Guatemalan Plate
Guji Guji
Gustav Klimt Swirl trees
Harry Potter Cover art
Henri Rousseau The color green
History of the LEGO
Homework Assignments
Homework For Week of October 11th
Homework For Week Of October 18th
Homework For Week Of October 25th
How a lego is made
How are you Peeling? Food Art
how color pencils are made
How crayons are made
How to draw ELF on the Shelf
How to draw optical illusions
How to pick a building set
Illuminated Manuscripts: Initials and Self Portrait
Illustrating a Caldecott Book
Illustrating With author Jacqui
Illustration: cars, flowers or both
Inside the flower: Manger Scene
International Dot Day
Invader: Cubism
ipod/ipad/iphone App Links to Lessons
ipodand ipad photo apps
Jackson Pollock in the Snow
Janet Fish: Active Space
Jelly Fish Painting
Jewelry Design "Snap My Art"
Jim Dine: Color
Jim Dine: Texture
Jim Dine: Texture
Joseph Cornell: Box Art
Kehinde Wiley
Keith Haring
Knd Grade Art Lesson Links
Knex Expert
Learning to Draw
Leaves: color and creating
Leonardo Di Vinci: Traveling Exhibit
Lets Create Pottery app
Lets visit the Georgia Aquarium
Line Art Using Rulers
Lines in motion
lines in Motion
Looking at Pumpkins in a Different way
Looking at Starry Night in Motion
Making of Despicable me
Marc Chagall
Mardi Gras: who is behind the mask?
Masks: Working with Form
Matisse Apples on a Plate
MC Escher & The Harry Potter
MC Escher Tesselations
MC Escher The Impossible Cube
Me and My Cat
Meet book illustrator Christopher Bing
Metallic Names beginning of reverse drawing
Mexican Clay Sun
minecraft lego and clay stopmotion
Mixed up chameleon
Mixing the Color GREEN
Mona Lisa
Mondrian: Driven to Abstraction
Mondrian: Shape, Color and line
Monet Cathedral
Monet Haystacks
Monet Quiz
Monochromatic Color Scheme
Monster Quilt
Monsters inc.
Moon shaped santa sculpture
Moraccan tiles
My Brushes app
My Many Color Days
Myth Busters Lego Ball
Native American Pottery
Northern Lights Virtual Tour
Online Programs
Origami Pig
Origami Yoda author Tom Angleberger and other books
ottograph mural painting
Outer Space More than black and White
Outer Space more than just black and white
Pa Farm Show Butter Sculpture
PA Farm Show: ART WEEK
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Painted plates: Ancient and Historical Designs
Painting 101: Progression in painting LAYERS
Painting and drawing on a smart board
Painting Foundation and brush work
Painting with texture
Pattern Background Names
Pattern Hands
Paul Cezanne and his skull paintings
Paul Cezanne: activated Space
Paul Cezanne: Fruit
Paul Cezanne: Shape and Color
Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Peter Max POP ART
Petroglyph and Pictograph
Piet Mondrian and Arthur episode Binky the Art Expert
Pine Cone: Drawing
Plate Printing
Pointallism Hearts
Pointillism Valentine
POP art with your name
Post Card Home
Post Card Home
Poster Contest: "Stop School Bullying"
Principles of Art
Rainbow Fish
Recomended Reading List
recycled cross
Reverse drawing method
Robert Indiana
scherenchnitt paper cutting
Scholastic Art Magazine
scratch art: Crayon and Oil Pastel
Sculpting Santa
Senator Baseball Book Markers
Sketch and Paint
Sketch Book Mobile Express App
Sketchbook: How do I use one?
Snow People
snowmen at night
Space more than just black and white
Spookley the square pumpkin
Spring Trees
SPS online Gallery Link
St. Jude Cards for Kids
Starry Night Snowman
Starry Night Van Gogh
Starry Night Van Gogh
state flags
stone carving: texture
Student of the month
John Doe
Substitute Art Page
Swordbird Illustrator and young Author
Take A Wild Ride Through History
Teaching About Issues: Environmental, Social, and Economic
The art of Glass Blowing
The art of Glass Blowing
The Art Of Video Games: Geometric Design
The Biggest Drawing in the World
The color GREEN
The Color Orange
the Color Wheel: Joe the artist
The Cube, square and triangle in art
The Dot
The History of Portraits
The History of the Self Portrait
The Kiln Process
The Magic Paintbrush Asian Art
The Night I followed My dog
The Scream
The Snowy day
The Study of leaves
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
There Was An Old Lady Who Swollowed A Fly
Tim Burton Art
Ukranian Egg designs
Useful Links
Using Chalk Pastels: water blending
Using flower petals in art
using paper in Architecture
Valentine Love Bird
Van Gogh Art Images
Van Gogh His Life & Art
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Virtual Field trip to the farm
Virtual Tour of the Grand Canyon
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Trip to Egypt
Virtual Washington DC Cherry Blossom Tour for 2020
Virtual Zoo trips create a Biome
Visit My chicken COOP on a virtual tour
Wallace & Gromit
Warm and Cool Color Self Portrait
Warm Colors
Wassily Kadinsky Color
Wassily Kandinsky
Water Shed: The Chesapeake bay
What can you do for troops
What is a work of art
What is art
What is ART?
What is Graphic Arts?
When Pigasso Met Mootisse
word art
Word Art
word art
Word of the Week
schadenfreude \SHAH-dn-froi-duh\ (noun)
The Magic Paintbrush Asian Art
Asian art and legends
Page updated
Report abuse