Robert Indiana

Love Sculpture

An iconic sculpture, an image that has been rendered and parodied countless times and is so easily accessible. A great landmark and meeting place as well. LOVE is a large sculpture by the American artist

Robert Indiana. A relatively simple design, it consists of the letters LO (with the O canted sideways) atop the letters VE.

The LOVE image was originally a Christmas card design for the nearby

Museum of Modern Art in 1964. The original (three-dimensional version) is made of COR-TEN steel. It has been on display at the Indianapolis Museum of Art since 1970.

Conceived in a time when the United States was consumed by the Vietnam War, LOVE became a symbol for Peace. Of course it still has meaning today! This famous sculpture is without a doubt one of the most celebrated works within the pop art movement as well the art world as a whole.

The iconography first appeared in a series of poems originally written in 1958, in which Indiana stacked LO and VE on top of one another. The first LOVE sculpture was carved out of a solid block of aluminum, highly unpolished, that the pop artist had made for a show at the Stable Gallery in 1966.

As one of most reproduced images, The LOVE design has been reproduced in a variety of formats. While not as copied as the effigy of Queen Elizabeth created by sculptor Arnold Machin, the LOVE sculpture has been recreated in multiple versions and a variety of colors, and is now on display around the world.

Check out his website: Robert Indiana

Project: Stamp

You are going to create a stamp in the style of Robert Indiana

4th grade:

Look at these paintings:

3rd grade: Numbers

Look at these sculptures and paintings

2nd grade: look at the Love paintings and sculptures