Website Design Advice

You are creating the webpage for other people to use. Don't just do things you think are cool. Ask yourself if what you are doing makes it easier for your visitors to read and navigate the page and whether or not it adds value to your readers' experiences.

1) Try to make links blue and underlined. Avoid using blue and underlining words that aren't links.

2) Use specific & descriptive words for your links. Don't say "click here."

3) Make sure your links are relevant and of high quality.

4) Test all links to be sure they work & remove dead links frequently.

1) Use fonts that are easy to read.

2) Make text large enough for your readers. It should be at least 16 point size.

3) Increase line spacing to make text easier to read.

4) Limit your color scheme & choose colors that are easy to read. Unless you have a very good reason to do something else, keep a white background with black text.

5) Backgrounds should contrast with text.

6) Avoid placing text over pictures.

7) Proofread carefully for spelling, grammar, and content.

8) Use headings to separate topics.

9) Don't use all caps too frequently or use more than one exclamation point.

Image result for beautiful pictures

Photo via <a href="">Good Free Photos</a>

1) Use carefully chosen images to illustrate your content.

2) Make your pictures stand out by planning enough negative space around them.

3) Don't use animated images unless you have a very good reason to do so.


1) Keep your information organized & minimize clicking.

2) Cite your sources.

3) Use the right frame.

4) Negative space is important in order to make your information stand out, but you want to avoid too much blank space.