Social Studies Web Page Expectations


1. Everything I do must be designed to enhance the class website.

2. I must find and contribute quality information and then make sure that the entire topic is explained thoroughly on the website before working on its appearance.

3. I may not just copy information. Instead, I need to summarize it in my own words and provide a proper citation recognizing my source. I may use to help me create citations. I will not intentionally violate copyright laws.

4. I will attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information I provide by using respected websites whenever possible and by considering information about the author as well as using common sense to compare what I find to other information about the topic.

5. Everything that I post must be school appropriate. If I don’t want my parents, Mr. Meckley, and Mr. Seelye to see it, I won’t post it.

6. I will not intentionally search for anything inappropriate, and if I accidentally come across inappropriate content I will quickly and quietly click the back arrow, log the incident, and discreetly inform Mr. Meckley.

7. I will work collaboratively and positively with others to achieve our goals. I will not bicker with others or intentionally hurt someone’s feelings. If a disagreement arises I will take it to Mr. Meckley.


We will work collaboratively together as a class to create the best website we are able to produce that will share information with the world about the topics we explore. We will provide appropriate, thorough, and interesting information, audiovisuals, and links in an attractive package that will encourage people to explore the site.


I will be graded based on my research, contributions to the website, willingness to work collaboratively, and on my record keeping.

10% - I must keep an accurate daily log of what I work on.

30% - I must research relevant information about the topics we explore, summarize it in my own words, and provide a proper citation crediting each source.

30% - I must contribute positively to the website by posting new information, audiovisuals, and links in a format that shows awareness of our intended audience.

30% - I must work collaboratively with others in a positive way. I will always keep in mind our goals as any conflicts develop, and if I can’t resolve a disagreement I will take it to Mr. Meckley instead of allowing it to escalate.