Support The Arts


South Park Theatre is largely supported by the generous gifts of our audience and funding organizations. All donations to South Park Theatre are considered tax deductible contributions to a 501(c)3 nonprofit institution. 


to donate now

Matching Gifts

Do not forget to ask your employer about matching gifts for non-profit organizations. This is an easy way to watch your donation grow...often by 100%.

Other Financial Support

There are many ways that you can support the Theatre:

In return for your sponsorship of a Mainstage show, you will receive benefits including prominent recognition in the programs for all of our shows, credit on our web site with your logo and a link to your web site, and admission passes.

In return for your sponsorship of a Children’s Theatre show you will receive benefits including prominent recognition in the programs for all of our shows, credit on our web site with your logo and a link to your web site, admission passes and a sign at each of the performances.

We would love to customize a sponsorship proposal for your business.

Please call us at 412-831-8552 to talk about ways that you can support South Park Theatre.

Wish List

You can also help the theatre by contributing to our wish list.

Please call the theatre at 412-831-8552 to arrange a drop-off.

For our Shop and Facility

For the Costume Shop

For our Children’s Theatre Raffle

Furniture and accessories for our Productions