Oshima Camp activities


The Izu-Oshima Camp is designed to provide an opportunity for international youngsters to enjoy many outdoor activities while further enhancing their swimming skills. Sharing experiences in the warmth and excitement of a traditional summer camp makes summer very special. Oshima is in Izu's chain of seven islands, approximately 120 kilometers from Tokyo. The natural environment of an island with so much to offer provides a perfect setting for a camp.



Most of the campers are members of the St. Mary's International Buccaneers Swim Team. However, non-competitive swimmers and children from other schools have joined us and are welcomed. A family atmosphere is present. A feeling of togetherness is developed between the various ages of the children. The children share in the enjoyment of recreational activities such as evening barbecues, bicycling, overnight camp outings, hot spring bathing, hiking to the Miharayama volcano, and supervised swimming and snorkeling within a well-protected bay.



We accept less than 20 people for each camp, in order to keep up the level of supervision and to preserve the friendly and familiar atmosphere. Many parents find these camps to be an ideal opportunity to have their youngsters take their first trip away from home.



The camp offers children a summer filled with fun activities, and they go away with memories to last a lifetime. A camp experience can provide kids with a wonderful sense of who they are as human beings. It gives them a better sense of themselves, and they gain self-confidence as a result. We look forward to seeing you this summer to make it the most enjoyable summer of our lives. 



                                                                                       SUMMER 2013               


                                                                Dates                                 12 + Under            13 + Over


                                                Camp I          July 4 - July 8                      


                                                Camp II        August 1 - August 5