SMST Dry Land Training Program

                                                                                     chin is up over the bar. Let your arms come to full extension at the bottom of each rep.

# 14 - Rest - Rest after pull-ups before heading to the next pull-up bar.

# 15 - Towel hold hang from the Pull-up Bar - - Firmly grab hold of one end of the towel with each hand

                                                                                           and hang down until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride !

# 16 - V-Ups -                              This is an effective exercise for developing the abs, and is performed by extending the arms and legs, then

                                                          crunching up to bring them all together. It can be quite challenging for beginners as it requires a certain amount

                                                          of core strength and balance.

# 17 - Medicine Ball Wall Throw - - Stand several feet in of a the wall, your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the

                                                                   medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest and forcefully throw the ball against the wall by

                                                                   pushing it away from your chest. As you catch the ball from the rebound, bend your knees. Step

                                                                   forward with one leg and forcefully throw the ball repeating as many as you can in 30 seconds. 

# 18 - Squats with a Core-ball  -  - Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding the core-ball directly in

                                                                   front of your body with your arms stretched out. Try not to allow the knees to bend past 90 degrees.

# 19 - Stretch Cords -                                - Be sure you are crouched down with your torso in a horizontal position. Keep your head in the

                                                                   same horizontal plane looking down. Pull through mimicking the freestyle pull making sure you complete

                                                                   the pull vigorously with the triceps fully extended. 

# 20 -

# 21 - Partner Medicine Ball Sit Ups and Throw -                           - Take a light medicine ball. One partner will be standing while the

                                                                   other is on the ground performing a sit up. The partner on the ground should bend their knees and lay

                                                                   back on the ground with the ball extended overhead. As they sit up, they are going to throw the ball to the

                                                                  partner that is standing. The partner standing will then pass the ball back to the partner that is seated and 

                                                                  then will lie back down and repeat. 

# 22 -

# 23 -

# 24 -

# 25 - Bear-walk - Walk up and walk out - maintain relatively straight legs.

# 26 - Stationary Crab walk position - - Assume a crab-walk position, with your arms and feet flat on the

                                                                              floor. Lift your hips and keep them high. 

# 27 - Streamlines Lunges

# 28 - Stretch Cords - Lawnmower -

# 29 - Spider-Man Like Pushups - - Pull your knees up and cross to the other side of your body while

                                                                                                                             performing push-ups.

# 30 - Stretch Cords




# 13 - Pull-ups - - Hanging from the pull-up bar with your palms facing away and simply pull yourself up so your

# 10 - Box Jumps - - The biggest benefit of the box jump is that it improves the reaction of fast-twitch muscle

                                       fibers throughout the body. Your leg and core muscles contract very quickly so you can generate maximal force

                                       with each leap. 

# 11 - Modified V-sit with flutter kick -

# 12 - L-Sits by the Pool - - The entire body must maintain an adequate amount of tension.; otherwise the L-sit 

                                               won't hold. This exercise requires a strong set of abs and strong back. Surely one of the finest full-body movements.

# 9 - Watching TV - - The plank is a great abs exercise but needs to be done correctly in order to get a strong core

                                        and be an effective exercise. You must maintain a straight line from shoulders to hips to heels.

# 8 - Jumping Rope - see # station 6

# 7 - Perfect Push-ups -'ve all done them & the benefit they provide should never be underestimated ....

                                                                                                    what an exercise !

In addition to workouts in the pool, the Buccaneers also run organized dry land training sessions before and/or after pool sessions. There are many reasons for having a dry land training component as part of the program but simply put, it will make us all better athletes ! Our out of the pool workout varies however, below you will find links and short explanations on a variety of exercises in our dry land routine. Good training lifts the level of confidence and enhances performance when it comes time to compete !

Dry land stations are set up around the perimeter of the pool - swimmers exercise full on for 30 seconds and have 15 seconds to rest while moving on to the next station on the beep.  

# 1 - "Swimmers" or Contra Opposed Lifts -

# 2 - Kneeling Ab Rollout - It is very basic and a great exercise that really works the frontal abdominal

                                                         muscles (rectus abdominis) and begins to build the strength needed for real hardcore abs. 

# 3 - Medicine Ball Speed Reaches on Physio Ball -

# 4 - Russian Twists - - It is a core exercise. The twisting motion helps work the abs and obliques. The exercise

                                                                                                is rumoured to have originated in Russia during the Cold War, thus the name.

# 5 - Medicine Ball Throw Downs - - Overhead you slam the medicine ball to the floor using your core and

                                                                        your butt - make sure you get your butt down and not your back down.  It's an ab and core exercise with

                                                                        hips and shoulders thrown in for good measure.

# 6 - Jumping Rope - - Nothing like jumping rope to spike the heart rate and get a good sweat going.

                                              How many jumps can you get it in 30 seconds ? Challenge yourself with doubles .... we also add jump rope

                                              stations further along the circuit to keep the heart rate up.