
Dave Moodie     / /   

Steve Siegel

Randy Furudera

St. Mary's Swim Team, the Buccaneers, have around 110 active swimmers. Buccaneer swimmers participate in swim meets with other expatriate teams, International Schools, US Military teams throughout Japan. The Buccaneers also compete in meets sponsored by the Japan Amateur Swimming Associaton. Some competitions require swimmers to meet qualifying times before entries are accepted. SMST also travel as a team to compete abroad - the team usually competes in an overseas meet once a year.

Coaches' Note:

In our society, there is too much emphasis on winning. Young swimmers, especially, often attach too little importance to self improvement and attaining their own personal best. Encouraging young swimmers to strive toward realistic goals, makes winning become less important.

Improving Next Time is What Counts!

If you are interested in becoming involved in our swimming program, please give us a call at St. Mary's (03) 3709-3411 or at the pool directly at (03) 3709-5741. email contacts: or . Put your child on the road to health, fitness, and success with St. Mary's International Buccaneers / (SMST).