Buc Parents


Swim meets require parent volunteers. The success of the 5 – 6 competitions that we host each year depends entirely on the group of parent volunteers that works at each meet. Please consider how you can contribute to hosting our upcoming meets. The more volunteers we have, the smaller the burden each has to bear. Most positions are easily learned, and training is available during each meet as needed. REMEMBER – your children are the ones to benefit most !

Successful meets require the following positions. Most require little or no training, and none requires previous swimming experience.

Computer operators (Meet Manager program)  (runs the behind-the-scenes workings of the meet. Training available at meets)

Timing Counsel (Colorado Timing)  (runs the Colorado Timing system that provides data to the meet manager laptop)

Starter  (takes on the starting duties for the meet as well as acts as a stroke and turn judge – also helps enforce safety rules)                                     

Stroke and Turn  (ensures that the rules relating to the style of swimming designated for the event are being observed, ensures that, when turning or finishing, the swimmer complies with the applicable rules).   6 – 8 people required.

Clerk-of-Course  (checks all swimmers for the meet. Also responsible for keeping track of when each event is scheduled to swim)  2 – 3 people required.                                     

Head Timers (distributes watches, clipboards, etc. to the lanes after warm-ups. Starts a watch for each race + assists timers who didn’t get a good start on their watches).            

Meet Awards / Results + audit  (labels awards + separates them by team for distribution. Oversees the posting of results and audits results).  

Meet Timers (usually 2 per lane, operates stopwatch and/or button, ensures the correct swimmer is in each lane and receives an accurate official time. Timing is easy to learn during a short briefing that occurs prior to the meet).  10 people required per 2 hour session – generally 4 sessions per meet.          

Facility Rovers   (Gym bleachers, Cafeteria, other school areas helps enforce safety rules).  

Set up and Breakdown (needed before and after the meet to help clean up and take down equipment, touch pads, etc.). 

Trash  (the team hires help to ensure the trash separated and washrooms are kept clean).