Common Questions

What should we pack with our son/daughter for their stay at the camp?

The camp has an ample supply of equipment for most activities. We do not discourage campers from bringing their own equipment. Please do not bring dangerous articles such as air guns.

Should I telephone my son/daughter?

Calling the camp location is not prohibited, but there is only one phone at the camp location, which needs to be open in case of emergencies. Campers may call using public phone booths, and you may call your child if necessary between 6:30-8:00 PM.

Should my son/daughter bring spending money?

All meals and costs for activities are included in the price for the camp. However, campers should bring some money for gifts, personal shopping, drinks, or snacks they may buy. We appreciate if parents did not give too much extra money to spend for their child's stay at camp. If you would like us to hold your child's money until he/she would like to spend some, please let us know.

What do I do if my son/daughter loses something at camp?

Be sure to label clothing or equipment brought to the camp. If missing clothing or equipment is found, the name will let us return it to you sometime in September. Please use a waterproof felt marker to label.

What about homesickness?

Contrary to popular belief, homesickenss is not a major problem at camp. It is natural to expect some thoughts about home at the beginning, but in there is little time for negative thoughts in the friendly atmosphere with so much going on.