Habitat Mapping with Heritage Council

Habitat Mapping With Edel Heeran 

Heritage Expert Edel Heeran joined us on Tues March 22nd to explore the local habitats with the boys and girls from 3rd to 6th classes. It was a really enjoyable visit that involved bringing each class for a walk around the school. Edel had a copy of the map of the school for each pupil. As the boys and girls went around the school they used the sample plant keys attached to the map to identify the different trees using their buds and bark and they marked the names of the trees and plants that could be seen at each area on the map. 

It was a really interesting discussion and while Edel was very impressed with the knowledge shown by the boys and girls, she also managed to impress everyone with her in depth knowledge of the flora and fauna that could be seen. One particularly interesting thing the boys and girls learned was that what we thought were nests in the Birch trees were in fact growths of branches caused by a fungus.She also told us that this was known as Witches Broom.